Since this is my people under discussion I’ve been thinking about this.
Since this is my people under discussion I’ve been thinking about this.
It’s easy to say we should give up gasoline.... when you live in a major city.
Perhaps because there are 10 million American jobs and 150,000 gas stations that depend (directly or indirectly) on the extraction of oil and refining. A 19 year time horizon to completely eliminate gasoline is absurd (I, for one, will be driving my current truck in 2040 unless it gets totaled). I’m all for…
That’s what I did. I was shocked.
You said what I wanted to say. The dumbass body guard with his mask practically covering his eyes and not mouth is really what started the stupid. To her credit she seemed game and nice to chat inspite of Martin’s amateurish request. Malfoy was the self important douchebag icing on the cake. No need for these two or…
I kinda like it.
Elizabeth Blackstock is wrong, as usual.
On the other hand, if Brundle has a problem with people like her being there, why is he even trying to talk to them? They’re not getting in the way of him being able to do his job, he’s making an effort to seek them out.
A celebrity on the grid with a dozen(?) people in their entourage, just for the social media... fuck ‘em. The one thing I agree with Brundle on, is that there are die-hard F1 fans that can’t get on the grid.
Pretty sure F1 has zero need for people like her. There are plenty of rich & famous people who have a passion for F1, and I’m guessing MTS is not one of them or she she would have loved to have spoken up about it. And frankly outside of the USGP, is really not even famous.
You think MTS had any interest in being there, beyond getting paid to be there?
Just so we’re clear: it’s Megan Thee Stallion’s bodyguards who were being snobbish, elitist, and ignorant here, not Martin Brundle.
I mean... Megan Thee Stallion and the rest of the celebrities we’re talking about aren’t that important EITHER, so F1 saying “hey, you wanna be part of our show, you have to ACTUALLY be part of our show” doesn’t seem unreasonable to me.
This is basically the billionare version of a husband offering up his sports car for sale at 1.7 times its value so he can tell his wife he tried his very best to sell it just like she asked. The price of the team itself is fair, but they wanted an assurance that even if major sponsorship was lost that andretti would…
I still see a depressing about of these on the road. I know part of the reason was they made a gazillion, but wow are they resilient. At this point, most of them have seen more abuse than a Law & Order: SVU character.
late 90's - early 00's chevy cavalier. That little 4 cylinder just goes and goes.
1. Carvana’s interest rates to purchase a car were over triple what I was quoted elsewhere.
I wanted to have a story similar to this so bad the other day. I went to my dealer to get my 19 Legacy battery replaced under warranty. I was hoping so bad that they’d offer to buy my car since it’s like new still. I guess no one wants Legacies still. I didn’t ask if they wanted to buy it because I’m a coward.
I was surprised Subaru is offering MSRP on their Outbacks. My brother just bought the Outback Wilderness and actually got a little off MSRP.