
I like the clubman. The square back and barn doors are original and make the larger current generation Cooper work.

The four door Mini Cooper is the saddest to me. Of all the awkward derivatives BMW created to justify a full brand and dealer network, this is the worst. It’s bigger than a car called Mini should be. It’s got proportions of the 2 door hatchback with extra doors tacked on. It looks like a bad Chinese knockoff of

That’s cruel an unusual punishment and they don’t even know it.

Stop hitting the teacher, that aint cool. Administration makes those calls, not teachers.

When the 22 car took the jack with it for a lap around the track, my inner 13 year old kicked in about getting the “jack off”.

Similar situation, where I got into a conversation with a neighbor who is famous sports celebrity. We talked about stuff that had nothing to do with his sport or notoriety. After we hung out a few times, he was like: “by the way, do you like (his sport)?”. I was not a super-fan, but kept up. Every once in a

Trump: “Fuck!, ever since they found my ‘pussy grabbing’ tape, I’m stuck doing this church shit to please the God-damn evangelicals”

Early 2000's Highlander came to mind when I saw it.

If Pontiac was allowed to live, this is what their version of the Volt, called the “G-Watt” would have looked like.

Why was he famous again. Was he in the news for something worse before he tried his hand at comedy?

I grew up in that little town in Ohio with the missing women. I’m frankly surprised there aren’t more clown sightings and Trump should be leading by 75 percent. That place is a fucked up heroin soaked mess!

Without his bike, it will be a Giant Trek to the starting line.  

The era of the big bouncy Detroit cars was the golden era of car chase scenes!

Body roll on sporty mustard color cars was quite the thing in the 70's.

When I saw them gathered after the debate, I wondered how is the hell are my blue collar family in Ohio are fooled into thinking these Fuckers are doing this shit for the poor working class. The Trump kids look like a bunch of models for stock photos used in corporate training PowerPoints.

Cmon now, didn’t you hear the man earlier in the campaign? He’s going to build a straw, a big beautiful straw and make them pay for it! Oh....he said wall, not straw.....never mind

The only drag racing car with “coexist”, “free Tibet” and of course the NPR pledge drive window sticker on the back tailgate.

How did Seamen, Ohio not get a shot? When we drove by that town on road trips, that place would give us at 15 least minutes worth of “semen” jokes.

Ohio: All the rudeness of the north combined with all the stupidity of the south.

We named our boy Jensen because we liked the name. Now that same boy wants me to buy a Jensen Interceptor.