It’s the last game ever made.
It’s the last game ever made.
annoying how fast the game tries to kill you as soon as you do anything...but it really seems like they’re trying to make the next minecraft, but in space. i guess you could call it...starcraft...
It’ll be interesting to see how it pans out, particularly “face off against [dark entities] that are nested deep within the house” - does that mean running and hiding? Trapping the entities? Or will there be actual combat (the inventory system that’s mentioned, as well as “equip cleaver” seen in the vid)? Watching…
I hope he's alright. He doesn't deserve this. As for the bullfighter, fuck that guy.
Your Xbox One has been disabled due to suspected violation of the terms of our non-disclosure agreement. We have also broken your microwave, somehow. You and your whole family will now enter the Party Compliance Submission Position, and our armed Compliance Administrators will be along shortly.
“All-digital is the future! Anyone who has concerns over an always-online system and DRM policies that curb consumer rights is obviously an ignorant Luddite.”
The line for crow stew forms over there.
and I, I’ve.. I’m Floyd Mayweather, and I’ve joined, Heart radio, for the show. Your stripes.. your.. sh, ok..
Man, he’s gonna be pissed when someone reads this article to him.
Said no one ever
Praise the platelets! \o/
I suddenly feel incredible levels of smugness towards the naysayers who insisted that they’d never fix this.
Should the mom be insulted thought that the daughter's first thought was "hey, my mom's pretty loose!"?
Why aren't I invited to these kinds of parties as an adult?
I hope she gets sober, I hope her children get the help they need, and I really hope she gets away with all of Markham's money and that Raylan doesn't shoot her.
Must have been rough when your husband was told "Thank you, but your wedding is held in another chapel!"
they just want the story and a little easy fun
Who the fuck gives a shit?