
Why does alcohol make babies?

@KineticRocketFireBalls: Reminds me of the Teen Beat cover boy that Rusty Ryan was cold decking in Ocean's Eleven.

The G-Unit ad was much more funny and original spoof. Fuck Steve Young.

@jammywoley: 4.1 is a requirement if you're running iOS 4.

I doubt we'll see new hardware before January. This is all bull.

@KamWrex: Technically, neither is the Evo. Show me 4G speeds on that ridiculous thing.

@mahiskali: Thanks for the breaking news! Please tell us more!

@saxgod: Stop being a pussy. You asked for it.

These are terrible choices! The only ones I vote for are Brown, Q, and Stark. The rest are fags.

@Voldy1: He doesn't have metal bones. His bones are wrapped in a fictional alloy. Get it right, buster!

@capitalsown: I wouldn't buy him shit solely based on what he was wearing. Get real, Lance Armstrong! He also looked like he had bad breath.

@Harpsichord: He wasn't impinging on anyone else's liberty. He has every right, but that doesn't mean he should.

George Foreman can lick my balloon knot.

@alienshards: A proper beer should only be drunk from a glass. The can or bottle is merely for transportation from the brewer to your cooler. Damn it, man. Grow some standards!

@Korrupt: That's really unfortunate. Hope you grow up eventually and see what you've been missing. Beer is a wonderful thing. If you want to get drunk fast, be a man and buy a bottle of Everclear.

What happened to that little British dude in the Pee-wee Herman tie? He moved a shitload of car wax.