
I had a little brother of this lovely beast: a 1995 GS-R in "arrest me" red, manual of course. Leather, sunroof, CD changer, the works. Paid an amazing $18.5 for it brand new. Stolen off the movie parking lot 2 months later. Dumbass was caught 4 months later!!!!! Dumbest criminal points: still had an original license

That's one ANGRY BIRD, hopped up on CRACK, PCP, Meth, and whatever else he is brewing in his garage in spare time. Why destroy Z? Whyyyyyyyyyyy???????? Friggin savage.

But BUT BUT!!! V8!!!! BUT BUT! BUT!

I've been wondering what they've been smoking at Porsche.... at least it's nice to know they don't hoard and puff-puff-pass, even to the lowly driver... 8-p

Small town. Town's coroner Jim shows up at the only motorcycle dealership, chats up sales manager Bob, an old friend:

Attitude like this is the exact reason why I feel near zero remorse for bikers who quickly turn into road kill. Splitting cars, going 90+ mph? Popping wheelies in front of my car with my kids in the back seat? Sitting in my blind spot on cruise control with your loud fart muffler, when there are miles of open road

Can we get some bondo for her face... Meanwhile, I'll be inspecting the dual airbag deployment malfunction on her

I SEROIUSLY considered getting a license plate DONT TKT

Also: lazy/incompetent cop.

My buddy had this on his banged up cutlas. always bitched that he gets pulled over all the time. duh!

LMAOIRL - now, that's harsh!!!!

I nearly got ran off the road and an idiot rear-ended me - both times, the jackasses were texting.

Is "Speeding by the WELL-KNOWN speed trap" taken? I've done that 2x here in Philly... Once by the airport, 2nd time down by Rt 413 on 95.

And that's why we can't have nice things, err... aliens visit us...

They are NOT USELESS!!! Someone got a fat comission (and a kickback) out of that drone! You anti-patriotic, economy bashing scum!

droney vrrrrooom

I got your drone right here, bitch! Kiss my VR's exhaust

Safety-shmafety.... that's a small price to pay for security (how do you strike through?), err, I mean lining the coffers of local government in speeding ticket revenue

I know why the drones are going to be used by local government. Anyone? Anyone?

Also, I don't think any jury would convict a parent in a similar situation, who flew into rage and emptied a clip or two of nice .45 acp into this dick's head