you arent kiddin about that... I made the mistake of buying a new one
you arent kiddin about that... I made the mistake of buying a new one
Potential Pedophile Pinched by Pretend Poontang - Perp Prepared for Poor Performance with Pecker Pep Pill
I’ve been looking forward to DQ11 for a while, even more so with everyone giving it glowing reviews, including Famitsu’s perfect score. After playing Octopath (thought it was ok, if very unbalanced) and Ni No Kuni 2 (pretty damn great,) This is really sounding like a whole other level of amazing. As embarrassing as it…
God I love Kotaku.
You must not get invited to them.
Impossibly obnoxious person annoyed by other impossibly obnoxious people; news at 11.
Why is it that every streamer with over, like, 400k followers or over 5k average viewers such an embarrassing pile of garbage? Like I honestly don’t get it - it seems that all personalities on YT/Twitch converge into the same state of…
Were you a fan of “Octodad: Dadliest Catch”?
The two children are dying because they’re starving to death and experiencing sickness from fallout. That is inherently “suffering” and it doesn’t matter whether it’s one set of children or the other (that criticism could be levied at any film’s characters). The deaths themselves are only incidental to the end of the…
This is not meant to be XBOX forevaaaaaaaar. But is Sony really killing it this generation? Not saying Xbox is either, I’ve been rather meh on both this generation. And most games I’ve been interested in have been released on both platforms.
What constitutes “Kililng it”?
yes because a 3 year lease is way cheaper than a 1 day fun run.
Yeah, just another example of how people nowadays use words without bothering to find out what they actually mean. It’s all a part of our lazy-ass, short-sighted society. Same goes with pronunciation: it isn’t “ho-mo-geneous,” it’s “hom-ah-geneous.” And “compare-able” is pronounced “comp-rable,” dammit!
The video was def bad. But what about the racer? It’s like he was stuck in second gear.
Pretty sure I saw this scene in I N C E P T I O N
But but I’m in control...rabble rabble...connected to the car...rabble rabble...I’m a good driver unlike everyone else...rabble rabble...
Tom I’d really like a follow up if the guy with a name of “Poop” is looking in the above $20k market. Thanks. badly this soundtrack was mangled...
If you’re too scared or have anxiety from telling someone “no” that’s on you, not on the other person. They shouldn’t have to go through a checklist because you can’t function in the real world without holding someone’s hand.
We are on a date, alone together in a room, are you happy? Comfortable? Do I have your…
You’re a child. Grow up and learn how to take responsibility for your own choices.