
They never should have cast Mel Gibson in the first place.

Imagine being so insecure about your own skin color that something like this sets you off.  Just sad really

Gray suits you better.

They don’t actually care. They just need to eat X amount of culture war supplements per day. Tomorrow they’ll be mad because a trans person was briefly in the background of a shot in some movie and they’ll forget this happened.

So I guess expressing political stances in song lyrics is one more thing people shouldn’t try in a small town?

My barbershop is also a for-profit company doing business because it wants to make money. When my barber picks up the mirror after cutting my hair, I tend to just say my hair looks good, without falling into a pissy little lecture about capitalism.

Even more annoying is the lack of research or context: Netflix has carried older movies this whole time, and while the 1974 movies are new to it right now they’ve carried them previously. Netflix has been cycling old movies in and out since time immemorial. The news is the actual *section* highlighting these movies.

Jesus Christ, how miserable must Barsanti be to approach all his articles in such a butthurt way?!?!

Pretty obvious trolling here. They know very well what everyone thinks of the last two seasons, this is just them saying “Yeah fuck you too” in what they believe to be a humorous way.

ah yes, the chuckleheads who created the worlds biggest TV show which you watched for a decade :)

This is likely a controversial view... but I’ll defend the end of GoT if not to the hilt, at least to the pointy end.

The impression I got (though it isn’t stated, so anything’s possible) is that Gator is broken enough by his experience to fess up to everything. For the crimes he committed with Daddy Tillman he might get some leniency for cooperating, and the fact that he’s been blinded by a maniac might get him some sympathy, but

Now playing

I consider it to be too dark if you can’t make out the chiseled good looks of the greatest bouncer of all time.

I can agree with that. The one thing that baffle’s me is the “unexpected heel turn” by Danerys, like how was that unexpected. I 100% saw it coming. Sure she went on and on about being better than her family, but like she tried to be good and the world said no fuck you. Freed the slaves, the slavers killed the slaves,

No, it makes sense. Communion and Jesus sacrifice is meant to offer eternal life in heaven, not on earth. What Munch has been ‘living’ through is literally hell on earth, devoid of love and kindness, serving penance for the sins of the rich. Death of his earthly body leads to eternal life spiritually, his

Overall I liked the season but I think it falls a bit below S1 and S2 for me. Everything with Roy, Gator, Dot, and Ole Munch was great and I really enjoyed the final scene with Munch cooking biscuits with Dot. But I felt like the show could have done more with Indira (especially if they had tossed out the frankly

I like that this ending focussed on forgiveness. ‘Fargo’ tends to deal with the concept of justice in very retributive terms, which can make for good drama, but it’s not often that it gets into the kind of healing that needs to take place afterwards. Dot’s act of kindness towards Munch is such a moment of grace, and I

I was thinking people would see the end as too overtly Christian -- eat this round piece of love bread and be forgiven. But that was the point, wasn’t it. Practiced vs performative.

Yeah, that’s not true. The chest/torso is a bigger target and you’re more likely to hit it. Hollywood has people thinking its so easy to hit arms or legs in firefights and that’s just not true at all. They’re smaller targets and that’s not even taking into account other factors like they could be moving (making them

Killing Witt was gratuitous. Him not shooting Roy in the leg made him look incompetent. Couldn’t he have at least been wearing a bulletproof vest to make the stabbing less fatal?