
Do you think it rises to the level of the writer of the joke needing to issue an apology? Or is it just something to roll your eyes at and move on with your day?

Because of NBC’s diversity initiative she was able to hire a 23-year-old that had talent but had no professional TV experience. She may not have even seen his spec script if not for the writers program. He asked her about it and she told him the truth. Of the many cringeworthy things she’s done, availing herself of a

Not only did they say she couldn’t sing ...someone stole her shirt!

Poor Lindsay & Ariana DeBose, jokes were made about them. The horror.

This was the first thing I thought of when it came to her hurt feelings...

Jack Black can also take a joke.

Okay but she plainly doesn’t suck, neither do Black or Gosling. They are all very competent singers. So the joke is toothless. 

> Yes, the popular refrain of mean people everywhere. Thanks for identifying yourself.

In the context of how it’s being described... I don’t understand how anyone would realize this even relates to Lohan.

The joke references one of the most innocuous “controversies” from Lohan’s career, and it’s a joke about her having red hair. This isn’t a major event.

Well I mean Lohan DOES have red hair and I mean if she wasn’t shaving....

Is it really true that “Lindsay Lohan has experienced a much deserved renaissance over the past few years”?

Good god don’t they understand that overreacting to a joke is part of the cycle that will perpetuate more news stories about them. Look at Ryan Gosling laughing off the joke even though he worked really hard to actually play jazz piano for LaLa Land. You know there’s gonna be a camera in your face after the joke to

If he was really mad, he would use karate to kick some ass. He sang a song about it and everything

This is the worst such incident since the “Brando has dank balls” fiasco of 1959!

I’m equating them because they are both anodyne, useless jokes that the subjects of which are far, far above responding to beyond an eyeroll. So calls from the public to apologize for some grave injustice seem ludicrous. I’m not a mean person nor do I think that *actually harmful* jokes should be given a pass - really

Good for you, that’s nice that you would apologize if you felt bad. I’m struggling to see how this joke is “too mean.” It is the lamest of jokes that isn’t even accurate in its premise. Had the joke been racist, misogynistic, insensitive, broadly offensive, then sure, I would have said that would be grounds for

Luckily for him, it wasn’t a real was only a tribute.

Which would be entirely your choice, and if you wanted to, then more power to you. You sound like a nice polite person. What I’m rolling my eyes at is other people saying “they *need* to apologize” as though this was some deeply offensive remark instead of a bland awards show joke. 

Why, exactly? It’s a joke - a shitty, hacky, desperately lame joke that wouldn’t have been funny even if the premise was accurate, which it isn’t - but it’s *just a joke.* It wasn’t racist or misogynistic (the joke named two white men before her) or particularly insensitive (such as it might have been if DeBose had