
I mean, he wasn’t good. His delivery made it seem like even HE didn’t believe in the material. But that said, it’s freaking crazy how people are upset over the Taylor Swift joke, which was WILDLY inoffensive. It was genuinely just about the most kid-gloves “barb” possible.

I feel for the guy, but “I wrote some of these, and they’re the ones you’re laughing at” is the sweatiest thing I’ve ever heard from a host. Maybe I’m falling victim to recency bias.

Godfather Part 2 enters a bit of a grey area since the entire prequel story with De Niro is taken directly from the original book, so does that count as enough of the movie to make adapted more fitting?

Not only are they adapting existing characters, character traits, and personalities, but there were several attempts at scripting this movie previously, all of which helped to inform the direction of the version that was ultimately filmed. This was a film built upon the creative work of a number of earlier versions,

Hart didnt “somehow” get a role in Undeclared. He’d already done a TV movie North Hollywood for Apatow and Alison Jones (probably the most influential casting director of the last few decades). He also was the lead in a failed sitcom and a comedy feature. Getting 3 eps of Undeclared is a fairly natural place for him

It’s also weird to me to want to be mainstream but you’re making “8 figures” for a Netflix special.


I think Carrie Coon is legally obligated to appear in every prestige TV drama at some point. She’ll get to that resort eventually. 

Stern seemed to actually become a better human being as he aged.

recently deceased financier Jeffrey Epstein

What’s up with people thinking rich conservatives losing money by being asshats is part of some grand strategy to take control of their lives from the Powers That Be? Sometimes stupid people get really rich because they’re surrounded by stupid rich people and they have nothing of value to add to the conversation

I guess the KKK speaks for all white ppl according to your 3rd grade logic. 

Colbert sold it very clearly as satire - a lot of his bits made his character the butt of the joke or had his characteraccidentally” debunk right-wing taking points. He also had the sense to avoid ironic hate speech. 

I watched the special. While I am not excusing any of the ableist or transphobic remarks, I think the bigger problem with this special is that I didn’t laugh once. I have to admit to being part of the problem as even though I don’t think I’ll laugh and I haven’t, I have still watched Chapelle and Gervais’ specials, I

So, Dave isn’t a champion of black people, yet the same jokes he says are heard in every black barber by your own admission.

I will admit I'm not as into later Carlin, but he never became hacky.  He just became really cynical and sad and honestly I'm not going to blame for that.  It was just harder to watch.

Trouble is, if took time to make to search for trans news or LGBTQ news he’d learn that about one transperson a week is murdered in the United States.

Go back to Logic class, because your ‘argument’ is circular and unsound.

I guess he went from transgressive to trans-aggressive.

“Bottom text”! Classic!