
Ehh I don’t know, most 20+ season shows do have a lot of episodes that are boring or unnecessary.  Rewatching 12 Monkeys recently makes me think that tight ~12 episode seasons are the way to go.

Doesn’t greenlit also just sound better?

Heres a new idea.  Finish the fucking book or at least admit you gave up and won't.  I can procrastinate but not 13 years worth.  My sympathy ran dry long ago.

I’ve seen greenlit used in the production sense as well and it’s the word used by Martin in his blog. Maybe consider saving your complaints for more deserving targets?

Merriam-Webster says both are equally acceptable:,in%20fact%20still%20in%20use.

Yes!  That scene highlighted the difference between a first rate comedian, and a second rate one.  Shandling made mincemeat out of him, and Gervais was left sputtering, unprepared for a comedian who, rather than stroke his ego, cut him down to size.

Again: “ people [space] .”

What’s funny to me is when people express a negative opinion about some hack, the folks who think hack is funny are like “You sensitive babies are so OUTRAGED and OFFENDED” When almost no one is even mildly outraged or offended, they’re just like “Dude sucks, here’s why” There are zero examples of anyone being

Funny is subjective, so I’ll grant you that (even though I haven’t agreed with it re Gervais since season 2 of Extras). I even agree that comedy should absolutely be free to touch on taboo subjects and that it shouldn’t be afraid of offending people, as long as there’s a valid point to be made.

There is nothing in the whole world less funny than comedians whining that people aren’t laughing at their jokes.

Hacks have always had and will always have a large audience.

Why do you hate free speech?

Chappelle is genuinely a smart and funny person, it’s that what passed for insight and humor in his prime has now been accepted and moved on, and he hasn’t. Funny bits he used to do about the police getting on the radio and going, “Calling all cars, calling all cars, we’re looking for a black man between... 4'3" and

I too often wonder if outwardly successful black people are actually just fronts for the truly talented white people behind the scenes.

What is he catching flies?

Gervais used to be able to pass off his standup as him just playing a character, that allowed him to get away with a lot. His Twitter account has lead to a lot of people questioning where the act ended, if it ever existed.

He’s fallen into the downward spiral where he feels he has to keep saying increasingly offensive and/or outrageous things to stay relevant. It’s desperation, pure and simple.

I honestly just think Gervais cannot help himself. He wants to belong so bad. He wants to be liked with every fiber of his being. But he also resents his own neediness and the objects of that neediness (Hollywood, celebs, etc.). I think Extras is almost more instructive than The Office. Extras put on display Gervais’

I’m not one to be offended by jokes. But I am offended by comedians who sideline comedy to complain about people being offended by jokes.