
this season is set in modern day, meaning it is ostensibly post-MeToo, and anyone who is meeting Roy for 2 minutes is seeing what kind of man he is. She’d be believed.”

I hate “it was all a dream” when it being a dream affects the plot. It doesn’t here. It was just a different way of revealing what happened to Nadine. Narratively, it’s little different than showing her driving, then harps and a wavy transition to show that she’s remembering the past. I for one wasn’t invested in the

It suddenly came to me how we know that “Linda” is dead. Roy has obsessed over Dot leaving him for years. No one leaves Roy. So why no similar obsession & search for Linda? Because he killed her long ago.

Interesting catches. I’m more inclined to think she fell asleep and wrecked, putting her in the hospital, and everything including the diner was imagined. Presenting an episode as a dream is one thing; making your cliffhanger a dream would cause riots.

I never thought I’d say this, but if Noah Hawley wanted to take a crack at The Dark Crystal, I’d be totally on board.

The soldiers grabbed the girl and carried her into their abode.”

“Zack is trying to do something very different here that really hasn’t been done in a long time.”

“It’s impossible not to be compared to Star Wars. They’re very different worlds. We’re trying to do very different things,” Johnstad tells the outlet.

In his defence, there’s nothing intellectual about a Zack Snyder property.

I’m not sure how you can wave away Star Wars comparisons when it was literally written to be an official Star Wars movie.

Certainly not the I part.

Somebody doesn’t know what an IP is.

In other words: “if you hold Zack Snyder to the lowest possible standards, this film is kind of alright.”

The soldiers grabbed the girl and carried her into their abode. One of them tried to protect her and the others subdued him and threatened to make him watch. The CO then comes and says he gets first crack at her.”

“While a movie like Past Lives”

I was under the impression that this started as a licensed Star Wars story that Disney passed on.

Honest to god, people forget what made the original star wars interesting. Luke, the backwater farm boy is a stand in for a naive audience unfamiliar with the world he is about to enter. Think about the first time Obi-Wan trails about Anakin. He says the absolute barest minimum about him, the Clone Wars, all that.

Maybe it’s because I was in college and both a) young and b) perpetually drunk enough to appreciate 300, but Zack Snyder has built his entire career around style over substance. It works when the entire premise of a movie is “oiled up Greek dudes killing Persians in slow motion,” but the rest of his filmography is

Rebel Moon is a limp, soulless regurgitation of tropes stolen from much more formidable films.