
It’s telling how few of these shows had the “Our coverage” link after them.

Though I’m not sure what point there was to split it into two quite lengthy alphabetical sections. One for each one to two letters would make sense, or just one long list, but otherwise it seems fairly useless.

I am so grateful right now that this wasn’t a slideshow

173 hours and counting.

Tom Swift was canceled in June 2022 with its last episode airing August 2022 so it doesn’t belong on this list. There might be others like this, but I’m too lazy to fact check.

As if to put a finer point on the way the Lyons operate, Scotty plays pretend with war figurines in the adjoining room...

I would love to hear how Matt Berry pronounces the words “series finale”

Bam Sarbanti is doing a piece to ca-me-rah!

Is there a way to improve upon the original?

Lazlo has infiltrated the forum...

In this case, it's "a movie and six seasons!"

“It’s not as funny as it used to be”

Why would anyone make a show about a regular human bartender?

Six seasons seems reasonable, really, for such a high concept. I thought season five was a bit weak (yet still terrific) and, anyway, shows don’t go on forever. Six is more than most shows get. That said, I am open to a Jackie Daytona spinoff.

This is a good run and I could sort of tell it might be winding down since Guillermo’s storyline essentially ended last season

I’m not watching this

I suspect Che has about 10 years worth of material for Jost ready to go.  But it was nice to see Jost fighting back this year. “Y’all need Jesus in your life” was just perfect.

The person playing Ms. Davis was an actress and was committing to the bit.

Probably the best bits SNL does these days.