
I’ve never understood where in the process music rights gum up the works. Like, I know Scrubs had a problem getting rights for certain songs so they just replaced them with songs they could more easily get rights to. But they weren’t playing The Beatles or Metallica, it was a bunch of famously unfamous indie bands. Is

“Hey, techbros cosplaying as movie and TV producers: can we have another season of William Gibson’s The Peripheral, please?”

Instead of simply kissing the guy who turns out to be her brother, there’ll be ten minutes of Whatever Her Name Rebel Chick having grunting, sweaty, saliva-for-lube anal sex with him.

Snyder has confirmed that the director’s cut of the first movie will be R-rated

I assume that giving Zach Snyder any money at this point is yet another one of Hollywood’s ridiculous accounting practices so they can always claim a loss.

Sometimes you have to put out actual trash in order to maintain appearances.

From what I know of Kanye, a thoughtful critique of Israeli policy in Gaza is not terribly likely any time soon. But if you want to hear some “We all know who’s really pulling the strings” type stuff, he’s got you. 

In some ways, yes, almost impossible to argue with. 

“How I’m anti-Semitic? I just fucked a Jewish bitch.”

His character arc was the one I liked. And the one that existed because no one else seemed to have one.

I thought his arc was about how he changes a small town for the better and, shockingly, the small town changes him, too.

My only criticism is that if celebrities are going to get this drunk, they need to cap it off by relating a semi-obscure anecdote about a historical event.

Weird take, bro.

those single wipe ones always feel a little like your body is tricking you. ‘why can’t you do this every time?’

Everything I have seen so far indicates he is controlling and emotionally abusive at the least. His language in that audio gives me abusive “high quality man” vibes. 

I too am a great man. Just this morning, I remembered to feed the dog, start the coffee machine for my wife before going to work and took a massive dump that required only a single wipe.

“....... I'M A FIVE STAR MAN!!"

All right, favorite Captain Holt moments.

Shit, when you put it like that, it is really sad that we lost these all these very charismatic Black male actors too early, in such a short period of time. Someone please protect Keith David for me 😭

A new reason heavy breasts will bring a tear to my eyes now.