
Please. She was more than happy to mug for cameras and put everything out there back in the day. A 20 year old Angie in 2023 would have grown up on insta and tiktok and been all over socials with her mans vile of blood around her neck. She just has perspective and kids now. 

Okay but hear me out.  Maybe she, like me, had literally never heard of Jackson Mahomes before and had no knowledge of his legal issues?

Ouch that means she’s a big fan of sexual assault.

I’ll never watch anything with Will Smith ever again. That’s how stupid After Earth was. I won’t get over After Earth. Please stop trying to push Will Smith. After Earth is irredeemable.


And there’s only one possible casting option:

another story that the internet was more invested in than any regular people

Did he slap YOU?

Again, nothing new to the Black and brown community.”

And she wasn’t even an idiot. I don’t know what other schools were on her list, but Carnegie Mellon is an academic powerhouse.

Even IF you can manage to get past all that, you get to the end in which she wants to ‘give back’ by helping an organization that gets previously-incarcerated women back on their feet. She knows exactly what it’s like from her... 11 days in the pen.

For that matter, she could have just cut out the middleman and bribed the school itself like any self-respecting 1%er would do. Donate a quarter million dollars to the construction of a new campus cyrotherapy center, and presto, instant Yale student. I mean, I’m all for supporting small business scammers, but

Heck she’s cooperating here!  

Let’s ask her mom!

There are thousand of students AND parents out there working multiple jobs, saving for years, getting loans and sacrificing time and energy to pay for college. WITHOUT BREAKING THE LAW.

Nothing is scarier to Hollywood actors than the possibility of having to go to Pittsburgh.

Apparently not that stupid if she ended up at Carnegie Mellon (though fame was probably some at play there).  The real question was how stupid did her parents think she was? Imagine learning your parents thought so little of you.

And so it was sort of like my daughter’s future, which meant I had to break the law.”

It’s all ridiculous, but I think there’s some genuine insight here into how the wealthy view the world.

Wow, she thinks this is the way to forgiveness?!

She’s so transparently full of shit.