
“the movie needed more input from executives

Yep. It’s an industry hell-bent on cutting its own stupid fucking throat. Pandering to theaters that charge an arm and a leg for junk food while offering little to no experience management (aka not giving a fuck if some idiot is talking on his phone or a child is crying in an R rated horror flick or the floors are

It’s kind of strange for the AV Club to assert that The Marvels isn’t bad, compared to other Marvel movies, with a link that goes articles about Thor: Love and Thunder. The AV Club apparently gave The Marvels a C, in a review that certainly suggested the movie was pretty bad. It gave Thor: Love and Thunder a B. That

He’s looked and sounded rough for a long, long time. Fairytale was released 1987 and he croaked out half his lines even then.

You know how there’s anti-comedy, and anti-art? Is this the pop culture journalism equivalent? Anti-critique?

If this movie isn’t likely to provoke Trump to file a defamation lawsuit it should not be made

Because, sure, there was some value to civilization in writing this story this way.

I think the moment I realised Cera had a truly phenomenal comic energy was in ‘Arrested Development’ where George Michael is asked what the name Sudden Valley makes him think of, and he says, “Salad dressing, I think. But for some reason I don’t want to eat it.” There’s just something wonderfully offbeat and yet

Is he funny or something?


You see, Japanese kaiju rampage through a city line this . . . “SKREEK SKRONK SMASH!” But American kaiju, they rampage through a city like this . . . “SKROAR SKRAGE CRUSH!” Am I right!? This guy knows what I’m talking about!

It should. Let’s discuss that time at 10:30am tomorrow in Conference Room C?

I like where you’re going with this. We should discuss it further. When are you available to meet?

there’s one sequence where a meeting is interrupted by the need for a second meeting about the first meeting, and then everyone goes back and continues the first meeting

Like, what’s with the assumption that the woman’s open-minded? Maybe she moved back to Bumfuck, Idaho, because she was appalled at the amount of actual bumfucking going on in the city. 

Pretty much.  They couldn't make the kid from Stranger Things a bigger MAGA douchbag if they tried.  Don't Tread On Me snake on top of a Confederate flag with ninja sais, sexy pin ups and Michael Meyers while yelling I'm a winner?  DW Griffith would have said be more subtle but nowadays, subtlety is kind of a dead art

Two quick notes. I hate to be “that girl” but 1520s is not the Middle Ages. Usually its considered to have ended in 1453 with the end of the 100 Years War and the Fall of Constantinople. In Britain the death of Richard III in 1485 and the end of the War of the Roses is the end. Columbus in 1492 is the latest you can

I imagine the “some people” in the sentence is doing a lot of heavy lifting. 

Seeing a movie sex scene and worrying “that the people involved—as in, the characters—may not have consented to being watched” is so stupid it’s almost impossible to believe. The character doesn’t exist. They don’t consent to anything — not to saying dialogue or crossing the street or getting fake-shot in the face.