
If I were that wealthy I wouldn’t drive no matter my condition. It’a a pain and an aggravation.
I hate the cops in our town because drinking is one of the few things that people of limited imagination do - and that’s the majority. And I know they don’t designate. The cops just let friends, family and The Connected call

I have to assume if you’re drunk enough to decide to drive drunk you’re probably drunk enough to give zero fucks that you don’t have a license.

People drive with suspended licenses all the time. If they’re in prison, they can’t access a vehicle.

Yeah. You obviously shouldn’t drive when you’re over the limit under any circumstances, but when you fall asleep at the wheel, TWICE, it’s not like you had one more than you maybe should have.

Holy hell... Do you know how drunk you have to be to fall asleep at the wheel; drive onto someone’s yard?  That’s driving the wrong way on a highway drunk.  That’s plowing into a bus. 

I've always been flabbergasted by extremely wealthy people being arrested for DUI. If I was super rich, I wouldn't even drive sober. Why take any risk when you have enough money and friends to get home safely, get your car the next day, etc?! It's insane. Possibly by definition.

A dogwhistle implying that Jews control the media is not antisemitic? Wow, who knew.

I’ll definitely grant you that Sarandon’s comments were way wilder, and I will definitely join you in saying fuck you to the tankies. And I would tentatively grant that if you perceive a pro-Israel bias in the media, it’s gonna be very very difficult to voice that in a non-dicey way.

Pretty fucking wild how the AV Club - which has seemingly never encountered an attempt to cancel someone it couldn’t get on board with - is omitting the ACTUAL antisemitic part of Barrera’s posts: “Western media only shows the [Israeli] side. Why do they do that, I will let you deduce for yourself.”

So are we all agreed that we want the Tillmans to die slowly and painfully? I think I actually hate Gator more, because he is the cowardly sycophant of the bully, which is always one of the most hateable archetypes.

Grandaughter: “I don’t have dolls, Nana, I like ninjas.”

Not a single mention of Dave Foley being in this?

I really wanted to like season 4. It had a solid premise, it had Jessie Buckley as a crazed nurse serial killer based on a woman I’ve studied, Jane Toppan. East and West was a brilliant little episode in general. But it just didn’t come together and was too big and over stretched.

Lorraine asking her lawyer to slap her son for her over the phone has me wanting Jennifer Jason Leigh to play a live-action Mom from Futurama.

I can see how this task may call for a nippleist or the like, but a “nippleologist” would have to be a researcher specializing in the science of nipples, and would hold an academic position, publish papers on nippleology, and in general be too busy to hang out on a set.

Well thank for the reminder that Fargo starts back up tonight, anyway.

A comedian told some blue jokes.

We’re going to have to clamp down on nipple puns around these parts.

A nippleologist? They must have a very particular areola expertise.

Paddy McGuinness sounds like a fake Irish name from an episode of The Simpsons.