
You know who really ought to be mad? Salieri.

So obviously none of us actually know the guy, and I have no opinion on him personally nor whatever he believes in...

West allegedly grabbed one of the sketches and drew a swastika on the toe to convey his dislike of the sneaker.

Yes, his early music is brilliant but I can’t bring myself to listen to it since he went “death-con 3" on the Jewish people.

Yeah, no. I used to be able to compartmentalize his bullshit by declaring him dead from 2015 or so on. But I think I’m at a point where his old music is tainted for me as well.

Calling this guy a raving lunatic is an insult to raving lunatics.  

I was surprised to see Gone Girl ranked that highly given the other films on the list. I didn’t dislike the film - it was actually pretty good - but it’s not up there with most of the others. 

SMH Do you even remember the first rule of Fight Club?

This is a random list, right?

What I feel is missing from a lot of these reports on the study (beyond how weird it is to lump 10 year-olds’ opinions on this with 24 year-olds) is the fact that there’s less sex in film than ever, yet erotic content is more at our fingertips; it feels like a lot of people conflate the availability of porn with the

People blame the movie for dullards not getting the point.

Mank is pretty good, especially if you love Citizen Kane. 

Looking forward to sometime around 2030 when liking Fight Club is cool again.

Dude, Alien 3 would be dead last on any list it was in. That movie is a slog. Super dull. Rewatched the entire series recently and could barely finish that one. Resurrection was embarrassingly stupid, but at least it was entertaining. Alien 3 was boring. 

I think her neck is getting longer.

You have to be trolling.

I can live with Zodiac being #1 as I quite enjoy the movie, but there is no way Mank, Panic Room and Gone Girl are better movies than Fight Club or Seven.

This looks great. I’ve only just started season 4 (just got a Hulu login, don’t ask) and it’s good, but... slower-moving than the previous seasons (so far). I love the show - the casts  of each season guarantee it will be at least watchable (and it’s more than that of course).  As soon as the new one airs I’m going to

I’m genuinely not sure I would have recognized Juno in that screen shot. It’s not like she looks that different. But for some reason, she looks *so* different to me.