
Well we can [shrieking noise]

i’m just talkin’ ‘bout moth!

Which is a joke since per the tribe itself he always accepted their input.

I feel like there aren’t enough different Native viewpoints on this film, only the critical ones. So here’s a Native American journalist and film critic’s review, in which he expounds that it’s not only Scorsese’s best movie, but in his opinion one of the best movies period.

Native Americans have been murdered thousands of times in movies. For once a filmmaker decided to make a movie based on a true story and to show the weight, sadness, horror and cruelty of those killings.

There is no white savior crafted for the audience like in The Last of the Mohicans or Dancing with the Wolves.


I haven’t seen the movie yet, but have read the book. A bunch of pages are dedicated to Hoover’s efforts in Washington to consolidate power under the nascent FBI, which it sounds like the movie largely skips.

I was completely unaware of any of this story prior to reading the book. It’s a brutal one, but should absolutely be told. I think the suggestion that only an Osage filmmaker should have the right to do it is an unrealistic one, though.

Being Native, watching this movie was fucking hellfire. Imagine the worst atrocities committed against yr ancestors, then having to sit thru a movie explicitly filled w/ them, w/ the only respite being 30min long scenes of murderous white guys talking about/planning the killings.”

RDJ campaigned and donated for both Obama and Hillary, and says he is neither  a Dem or a Rep, so how is he a well known conservative? 

I can only have a certain amount of sympathy for someone who willingly triggers themselves like this. There’s absolutely no way I can buy she didn’t know what the movie would entail, and she could just not watch it if it would have that much of an effect on her.

He issued that executive order messing with people’s visa status almost immediately after taking office. And nominated Gorsuch. But I guess there wasn't a pandemic yet. 

Those days didn’t exist. The guy was selling indulgences before he even took office.

That was every single day from his unbelievable selection (I spent that next day in a fog of disbelief) until the protesters were hauled out of the Capitol. I was at work and my sister DMed me - and I thought maybe a handful to a dozen MAGAts were being on brand until I checked news sites. JFC.

This was apparently in 2019, when it was approaching the end of his presidency. Spicer was (I think) his first press secretary, and he had gone through a few others by then.

Serious Question: how is this still on the air? Who could possibly be watching this?

the one that maximizes profitability.

RDJ a conservative? I know about his comment about going from riches to prison and not coming out a liberal, but he doesn’t appear to exactly be a doctrinaire conservative. Heck, the man went vegan to reduce his carbon footprint and supports the climate change reduction group The Footprint Coalition.

Just a bizarre business decision. The show wasn’t going to attract new Trump loyalist viewers, and Bergeron is spot-on that people watch a show like this to just turn their brains off and be entertained. I don’t care what side of the aisle the person comes from, it’s going to be polarizing.

Right-wingers bedrock belief that Hollywood is liberal is easily disproved when Dancing With the Stars hired Spicer, The Masked Singer hired Roodles, and, most egregiously, SNL hired Trump to do episodes. Turns out entertainment companies are giant, multinational corporations that are more aligned with Republican

That is completely understandable.