
The riff is similar, but Nirvana does something totally different with it—entirely different melody and feel.

Kurt’s cover of “Where Did You Sleep Last Night” still gives me chills. The story goes that after the band walked off-stage, MTV producers wanted an encore and Kurt asked in disbelief (I’m paraphrasing), “You think I can top that?” Such a haunting performance that — nearly 30 years later — still feels like an outlet

I’ll admit I was among those underwhelmed by In Utero. It shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone that All Apologies was my favorite song on the album. It very much felt like a record made by a band that did not want to fall into the overproduced mainstream, deliberately alienating the more straight-up rock and roll side of

Oh god, grow up.

That sounds suspiciously woke to me. I’m not going to buy any future records from these Nirvana people.

Then and now, my favorite Nirvana tunes are the weirder, more raw stuff that got relegated to B-sides and comps. “On the Guilt,” “Sappy,” “I Hate Myself And Want To Die,” “Curmudgeon,” that’s my shit. 

Still the best liner notes ever:

He might not owe us, but he might owe his publisher that book. 

More quality copyediting from the site that’s had “Poitrot” in a headline for nearly three days now.

see, the reason these guys think the world is full of pedophiles is because they only associate with other pedophiles

I’m a Mormon/Latter-day Saint, and it has been a bonkers few days in this little corner of the zeitgeist since the first Vice article dropped. The Church rarely condemns members publicly, but it issued a rebuke toward Ballard for alleging one of the Church’s apostles supported his initiatives and traded on the

Everyone notice how he never said it wasn’t true?

She’s not going to come back to you, you know. She’s gone. The kids, too. You blew it. And even when the kids do come to visit you, they’re wishing they were with their mom and the new guy she’s dating the whole time. Eventually they’re going to start coming less and less, and you’ll realize that the cards have stopped

I didn’t say it was unfair to respond negatively; I just said that a person who has absolutely nothing to contribute, ever, except two comments “So brave,” and “You’re dumb” is sad as fuck. The totality of your personality is two hacky takes attempting to bully people for having actual thoughts and views on things.

Good point. Maybe I’ve judged him unfairly based on his covid-denialist and anti-vax conspiracy theories.

You should make this comment another 100,000 times, you stupid fucking robot.

He wasn't already living in the bin?

OK I know logically that these are just a bunch of independent organizations making these decisions on their own time, but considering how quickly all of it is happening, it speaks to how quickly we as a culture are ready to throw Russell Brand in the bin. 

It seems so sensible to not let a predator monetize their insincere apology that I’m frankly surprised that YouTube actually has such a policy. Then again, this is far, far from the first time this situation has arisen.

Grifters like Ballard always gravitate to the far/alt right because they know that demographic will continue to blow them hard without any questioning.