
Taking as much of this into account as I’ve read and comparing my own experience, this is my suggestion to artists and comedians: don’t literally name names and switch up some details before you deliver. As they say “the truth is in the lie” so make sure it’s a good lie.

The royal family convinced comedian Katherine Ryan to falsely implicate another comedian as a predator but not specifically name him several years ago, and then reveal it to be Brand now? Man, they really know how to play the long game.

If there’s one thing Elon “Let’s call random people pedos” Musk can be trusted on, it’s who is or isn’t guilty of sex crimes.

How many accusations have there been against staunch anti-royalist Ben Elton over the decades? Or Frankie Boyle? All the others?

For that, praxis is praxis. The fact that he’s backtracking is good, and if the only reason is that he’s a cowardly worm, that’s good enough for me. I hope he’s similarly cowed into renouncing more of his shit opinions thinking that it will help him save face. It might never make me think he’s a decent person, but it

I’ve never cared for Bill Maher. His comments about the WGA despite being a writer himself display some real selfishness.

“Katy Perry is a creative visionary.”

Bollocks. The royals have money but virtually no other power at all. There are literal millions of anti-royalists including, Johnny Marr, Phillip Pullman, me, the Proclaimers, Jeremy Corbyn, all the protesters who attended the new King’s coronation etc. Nobody silenced the Sex Pistols.

I’m thinking that streaming has cut into sales significantly, so the music isn’t the steady stream of income it once was. Licensing is great, if you can get, but that’s only a small slice of a catalog of music. Like the lottery winnings options, if you want to take the 20 year plan, you get more money. However, if you

I’m still very much in the camp of not beating up on people who end up doing the right thing after they’ve embarrassingly done the wrong thing, so good job Bill. But also, Bill Maher was an asshole before this, so fuck you Bill.

Never let it be said that there’s any take too bizarre for somebody to earnestly make in internet comment sections. 

Let me have a toke of that.

If anything I expect Russell Brand will soon be hosted by Prince Andrew.

For the love of God, tell me you are being sarcastic.

This is mind-boggling. I guarantee you that no-one with power gives enough of a fuck about Brand to frame him for anything. He’s actually less relevant to public life than ever before, thanks to his alt-right grifter reinvention.

I honestly never understood how he got famous. He’s always been an unfunny jackass, now he is an unfunny jackass that is always lecturing people.

Oh, well if ELON supports him... he’s definitely GUILTY (Seriously. NOT said in sarcasm).

The cast of That 70s Show have also weighed in to remark that Russell Brand is often not as late as you might expect him to be.

Guys. Stop. Some of us here do want to know why is her allowed to return.

AV Club doesn’t employ WGA writers either, apparently.