
The new Miriam Margoyles autobiography is here! The new Miriam Margoyles autobiography is here!

Yeah the creep vibes have been palpable for years

“I thought better of him!” At press time, we don’t know why she thought better of a guy who posted a picture of the bras thrown at him at concerts...”

Hey, at least Drake is interacting with adult women for a change.

Yep, she was definitely going to take Mr. Happy out for some air if she wasn’t tossed out. And there were kids in that theater.

This also puts a minor twist into the conversation of whether she has a contract (with an NDA) that she needed to honor or face consequences of not doing so.

A lot of people on social media have refused to accept this win and insist on continuing to attack her, and guys, really just stop. What incentive is anyone ever going to have to reverse course from a bad decision like this again if it doesn’t change anything about their reputation? Let’s just focus on how Bill Maher

Franken’s elected by Democrats, who care about this stuff, and Boebert is elected by Republicans, who don’t.  I guess the “justice” comes from the fact that you’re always free to vote for the party that doesn’t care about misconduct by its members, but you (for good reason) don’t make that choice.

Yeah, we’re talking about an impossible to verify story that does not seem consistent with the evidence we have, and that (at worst) suggests Steve Martin was a jerk for a day during the Reagan Administration.

It was just some dick fondling.

Man her voter base is going to crucify her for this. Going to a musical, what was she thinking?

It was a handjob, which is also classified as 3rd base. (Plus the 2nd base boob-mauling.) 

That’s all the proof we need. You hear that, Steve Martin? YOU’RE DONE!!!

At least her new guy didn’t expose his wiener to a group of underaged girls at a bowling alley like her ex-husband. Progress, not perfection. 

Well, that accounts for that Sunday, but how about apologizing for every other day you’ve existed in the public sphere?

Now playing

Here’s the number in question. I dunno, maybe they used the gentlest takes in the film, but she and the towels she’s carrying are barely making contact with that door, and that punch is clearly a forced perspective type of stunt. I’m starting to wonder if Arnold Schwarzenegger even farted in her face.

It does sound like she’s allegedly making a grab for money or relevance by exaggeration in several directions?

Can we just give the job to Roy Wood Jr.

True. I want to hear his WTF or if he said it in interviews, but his general style is very Ted Talk-ish and upper crust to me.

I think people are missing some of the nuance here. Obviously, no one expects a comedian to tell the 100% truth during their sets. We know there’s a level of deception. But there’s a big difference between telling a fake story for a laugh and telling a fake story that hurts real people.