
Want to feel old?

Others are not so willing to admit they liked the Spin Doctors:

...thing in the way, she moves.

Well, the years stopped coming.

Pretty much every male lead singer from 90s is dead. Except Eddie Vedder. There can be only one.   

I think most people start wearing thin around minute 7...

I’m shocked.

The irony of the “oh the poor shitty techbro” take is that they barred entry long before the techbro/weekend party crowd would have hit.

Today in randomly targeted, vaguely populist snark: why you should hate Burning Man, Chris Rock, and Diplo (whoever the hell that is).

They’re kind of like Legos but for small children.

Right. I didn’t say “YA”, I said “teenage”, because YA is a genre with specific expectations. WoT felt not like something an adult would write for teenagers, but more like something a teenager would have written. A teenager who’d read a lot of Tolkien and wanted to sex it up a bit. It made me think of “Eragon”, though

I said “a touch”. And yes, it’s partially because it doesn’t revel in violence, and it’s sexual content is PG-13 at its most graphic. But also because it’s about teenagers, has at least a couple of love triangles in it, and in general works best if you read it in your early to mid-teens.

I’m not exactly sad to see him go. If I recall—and jesus, it’s hard to remember anything about this show—the original actor played him as kind of a joyless sourpuss, when Mat is supposed to be like the one character in the entire series who isn’t a joyless sourpuss.

[A female character SNIFFS and thinks about her NECKLINE.]

There are a lot of matriarchies in Randland, so I don’t think that calling the setting matriarchal is necessarily wrong.

Yeah, I find this classification of WoT as being feminist or matriarchal just kind of a weird misunderstanding of the text.

Eh... they were written before that was a thing, true. But they do have a touch of that feel to them.

So, what I’m getting from this review is “It’s better than Season 1! Just don’t expect it to be more sensical in its plot, or have characters with more clear motivations, or a more lived-in feel to its fantasy world, or basically to fix any of the problems of Season 1.”

even if Jordan has some bizarre ideas about women and (mostly) can’t write them worth a damn.

Most of us agreed that the world-building was amazing