
OMITB makes me crave more cross-generational casts that aren’t necessarily familial. Selena Gomez isn’t even the 100th person I would have selected as a perfect scene partner for two boomer comedy legends but it works so damn well. It’s good that people called out the post but it’s pretty clear from Gomez’s collective

Or maybe just feeling productive is good for mental health. 

They think I’m MAGA for posting an article from The New York Times. We are not dealing with serious people. 

Your meme has convinced me. The Europeans should proceed posthaste. The scientists concerned about brain development, reproductive health, physical complications, and psychological ramifications should go fuck themselves. In the morning. Best time of day to go fuck you posted in the late afternoon. I’m up

You didn’t read the article, either, eh? There are far more issues than bone density, ranging from psychological questions to reproductive health to brain development. But I’m the one with “broad ranging topical ignorance.” Priceless.

I just posted an in-depth look at the various issues surrounding puberty blockers from the New York Times. What a disingenuous sealion I am, posting such clap trap from such a right wing rag.

The facts are already in? Further study is Anti-Trans whom, exactly?

Stop being a stupid gig “worker”

Except people increasingly don’t have stable jobs with protections which is why people say it! As the gig economy rapidly replaces these classic jobs with protections, long term staff jobs become freelance only positions with no benefits or protections, and full time jobs no longer cover the cost of living, the floor

I thought this was fashionably late capitalism.

I do. Did you know when people refer to late capitalism in this context they’re referencing the recent developments of extreme extractive capitalism which are not tenable for the long term health of either the businesses strip mining human lives for cash or the people attempting to live under it, which is leading to

This might the best example I’ve ever seen of a comment on the internet that is 100% technically correct but yet absolutely useless for the task at hand.

Yeah, crazy how language evolves over 120 years, innit?

and, of course, we use all words and terms exactly the same way as we did 100 years ago.

That’s great and all, but it doesn’t matter for several reasons, the first being that this is a basic review of a streaming tv show on a media site gutted by investor vultures.  Get a grip.

Do you have any poll numbers to back this up?  I mean, he’s got at least one.

Dude is fucking pondscum and the day I give a flying fuck about anything he says is the day the world ends.

Next up, David Duke weighs in on diversity hiring.

Wouldn’t a time trial require some sort of official present to make it, er, official? The sort of person whose signature would be required for the time to mean more than just saying “I did this faster than anyone else ever did, no I have no hard evidence take my word bro?

As everyone knows, when it comes to caring about fairness in sports, the number one name is... Lance Armstrong. Next to great respecter of women...OJ Simpson.