
The interim agreement is basically accepting all of SAG-AFTRA’s demands, therefore demonstrating that it’s entirely affordable for studios to do that too. The more movies that get made (and are successful) under those terms, the more ridiculous it looks that AMPTP are refusing to sign up to them.

Look, I get what you’re saying but I’m much more with dirtside on this. It’s an essential bargaining chip and it shouldn’t be abandoned just because some idiots won’t understand. And my experience is that bowing to wilfully ignorant morons, whether they be anti-fair wages, anti-vaxx, creationist, flat-earthers, or

I think there’s plenty of room to debate and even criticize over-diagnoses and especially self-diagnosis (the latter of which seems like it may be on the rise thanks to social media apps like TikTok) without leaping to “there are no ‘mental diseases.’” Even allowing for differences in how you define “mental disease,”

The Space Quest series (and Sierra games in general) are what got me into gaming-and honestly got me into the joy of problem solving more than school ever did. I still love all those games.

The problem with that is that the union loses the potential leverage of one of the studios breaking with the others. Say Paramount decides, fuck it, we’re losing money hand over fist, we’ll make a deal. So they do, and SAG says, great, our actors can now work on/promote Paramount projects. Suddenly the other majors

Isn’t it common courtesy in Hollywood to add your middle initial if you happen to share a name with someone more famous than you?

As Mike Tyson once said, some people have gotten too comfortable saying whatever they want and not being punched in the face for it.

Everything about this comment is annoying, from you being confidently incorrect about the timeline to the way you’ve phrased it as if anything about the post even so much as gives the impression that she was currently voicing the character, especially since it explicitly states the following:

Hot Shots! Part Deux is absolutely the magnum opus of the genre. Airplane may be funnier on balance, but Part Deux is smarter. From bone-dry 4th wall breaks (“She’s CIA. The other man’s an extra.”) to grim-faced idiocy (“I can’t walk, they’ve... tied my shoelaces together.” “...Bastards.”) to Simpsons-level

And yes, we have to mention it, O.J. Simpson is also there.

“none of them, however, ever came close to achieving the kind of success” friend, Ghost made over $500M worldwide and was the top grossing movie of 1990.

I find Top Secret to be superior to Airplane. It’s far more surreal and unashamedly swings for the fences at every turn.

Yeah, but did it triple the box office of my heart?

Finally saw Top Secret! for the first time a few years ago. It is really good and deserved better. Kilmer is indeed astoundingly good in it.

God, I loved the ‘Hot Shots!’ movies growing up. I still giggle like an idiot at the line, “These men are completely celibate, like their fathers, and their fathers before them.”

He doesn’t fit the humor of the movie at all.” I think that was deliberate.

I know it’s not a popular opinion, but I really dislike that character. He doesn’t fit the humor of the movie at all.

This is a thought provoking history I’ll have to read about in depth on my next flight to Hong Kong.

None of them, however, ever came close to achieving the kind of success the filmmakers enjoyed when they were working together as a team.”