
It means that they haven’t had a proofreader on the payroll since 2014.

fails to point out that Musk was paid very handsomely to destroy a tool of mass organization by the very people being organized against

It’s like most of the fat on his body is behind his rib cage somehow.

What’s going on in that photo? His chest is large, but his stomach isn’t also bulging out - is he sucking in his gut? He looks like that Rob Liefeld drawing of Captain America.

Why is it that the richest people are always the best examples of the failures of capitalism?

It is not possible to have a name even stupider than Twitter!

You joke but a Big Fuckface with extra cheese sounds pretty good right now

Facebook isn’t Meta. Meta is like Alphabet, which is the corporation that owns the company that is Google. Facebook still exists.

This is all very silly, but (only) slightly less dumb than you were saying.

He should just call it Douche.

To be somewhat fair to the Zuck, Facebook didn’t change its name, only the company that owns it was changed. That’s par for the course for big companies with money-grubbing, fart-sniffing CEOs with too much time in their hands. But at least he didn’t outright murder established, enormously successful branding like

Surest sign yet that Musk is surrounded only by yes-men who won’t push back on even the dumbest ideas.

The X makes it sound cool him sound like a tool.

We’ve created a society where the uber rich can make the stupidest fucking decisions imaginable, ruin people’s careers and lives, and never face any consequences.

I mean, to be fair, the right tries to toss “muslim” or “islamic” as a pejorative into any situation possible and the left sometimes tries just as hard to avoid it. I think if this had happened with, say, a festival in Belarus shut down by some Eastern Orthodox church, there would have been mention made of the


Yeah, they don’t really like that over there.

no criticism here. the promoters hired outspoken people to perform, and then acted surprised when they spoke out.