
Rise of Skywalker was objectively the worst of the three movies, taken as a whole. However, Rian Johnson turning Finn, Poe and Rose into mutineers responsible for the destruction of most of the fleet probably sticks in the actors’ craws a bit.

The Last Jedi really did Finn dirty. He’s reintroduced with a leaky diaper gag, replays his emotional arc from The Force Awakens, and has his agency questioned and denied at every turn. I can see why it would come in last in Boyega’s personal ranking. Despite all that, he put in a real solid performance in all three

The weirdest on the list was The Matrix vs Ten things I hate about you. Because neither was highly anticipated. This was when the end of March was still where Hollywood put movies they didn’t have confidence in.  The Matrix releasing in March is one of the reason that studios started moving up blockbuster season to

I saw the Barbie trailer, and I saw the Oppenheimer trailer.

If you’re looking for a bland white guy to play your lead, why, he’s your man!

It must suck having a narcissistic asshole for a dad, no matter how old you are.

Maybe it’s like Robert Pattinson deliberately not showering and dressing like a hobo during his Twilight days to ward off overzealous fans. I imagine if I saw that Michael Cera on the street, I’d cross to the other side before shouting back “I’m a big fan, Mr. Manager”

Looks like his facial hair DID quit

Ah yes. It’s that guy. I’m pretty sure that starring in one of the most popular movies of it’s genre counts as acting but, by all means, go ahead and shit on the guy if it makes you feel good.

It really is. It’s a movie I hope gets rediscovered down the line because it’s fantastic.

Seems like it would be hard to be too disappointed by that one though. You kind of know what you’re getting into.

Could be Downsizing. That was mostly shot in Canada and then they actually flew to Norway to shoot the third act. Not a terrible movie but it was such a slog to watch the full thing, so I could totally see Damon realizing it wasn’t working (after initially being excited to work with Alexander Payne) and being bummed

“And I remember halfway through production and you’ve still got months to go...”

1-16 Pick a Jackie Chan Movie

Ok, this is the second time I’ve seen it on this site today... WTF is twee?

If Ballinger has apologized - and that’s a big if - it has been at best an “I’m sorry you were offended or misinterpreted by behavior” sort of way. It also ignores the fact that she actively tried to ruin a minor’s life when he made these allegations 3 years ago.

I have no idea who this is

this exactly. her ukelele video was IN NO WAY an apology.  not even an attempt.  it was an attack on her detractors.

I feel like more are categorizing it as “that weird...uh...what-have-you on the ukelele there.”

It bugs me that people keep categorizing the ukulele video as an “apology”. Ballinger is not even attempting to apologize, it’s much more in the category of “clapback” or “response.” I think other content creators keep calling it that in order to generate more outrage engagement, which isn’t really necessary - it’s