
What a weird and inaccurate comment.

Well, fuck. What am I gonna do with all these celebrity dogs now? 

You’re dropping the ball, Sam. This could have been two slides!

It generated reams of content clickbait entertainment hacks.

Does whatever an Iron can.

I thought I read something similar about The Singing Detective, which came out around the same time as Gothika, IIRC. I think he got that job thanks to Mel Gibson 

I would love it if RDJ made another Sherlock movie. The first two were pretty fun adventures with a lot of neat bits of writing and mystery and it was clear that he had a lot of fun making them.

I didn’t really need to click through the slideshow to know that the ridiculously unfunny The State would be a top selection here, but what kind of alternate reality exists where SNL and SCTV aren’t even in the top 10 of this list?

Reno 911?

Please stop talking. 

It’s not sexist that a woman can’t have kids.

Black Widow’s infertility isn’t the reason her character is killed off. Just because you can juxtapose Clint’s family and Natasha’s infertility, doesn’t mean the writers are trying to point directly to her infertility as they fight for the Soul Stone. If anything, her sacrificial death is meant to thematically redeem

‘Girls etc...’

I’m not sure what you mean by that but it’s an ok cover for you not reading what I’m actually writing, I guess...?

No, I wrote about how the life of someone with numerous people who love and depend on them(husband, sibling) is more important than the life of someone who doesn’t have them. You’re the one who’s harping on the children/no children binary.

My dude, I think you missed a lot there:

MadTV is deservingly low, but ahead of The Muppet Show?

According to The Internet (TM), he made about 20k an episode in the early days and 100k an ep for later seasons. But those were 22 episode seasons, so by the end he was clearing 2 million a year. Then 20% to manager and agent, bunch of tax, etc, he probably made about a million a year in the later seasons.  So easier

So... just a list... but clearly not a ranked list.

I mean, I love the love being shown to KITH, and deservedly so. But some of the rest of this list is just... bizarre. I’ve never been a huge SNL guy, but on what planet is the most influential sketch show in history (yes, in terms of influence, I’d put it ahead of Python based on the sheer number of stars it’s