
That nudity better be in IMAX. Otherwise, what’s even the point?

(Oppenheimer pulls his pants down)

I can ignore text messages until I am in a position to pay attention to them. Phone calls are annoying, antiquated nonsense.

Counterpoint: no, it's not, it's awesome and convenient to not have to actually speak to others. 

I retired 5 years ago, but for about 5 years before that it would have been nearly impossible to do my job as a physician without one. I can’t imagine that has gotten less true.

I know it’s just a typo- and Kinja has no functional edit ability- but the image of being on a “peer” fishing makes me laugh.

I genuinely wish my life was easy enough to not have a smart phone around constantly. Snark aside, it sounds like something that is only doable if there is a third-party to pick up the slack in your life (business manager, assistant, publicists, agents, etc).

“The cretins browsing & tweeting…”

“I don’t have a smart phone” seems like the modern version of “I don’t even own a TV”

Is it though? I’d rather read an article, chat with my friends, respond to a work email or play a game then sit around and look at randos while I wait for the doctor.

And I seriously don’t know how anyone can survive without one these days. No in the whole “I must have screen time constantly” way but just the fact that so much of the world revolves around having and using one.

Yeah, great. He’s far less likely to have a couple drinks and tweet his thoughts on race relations in the middle of the night. But he’s not substituting a smartphone with a flip phone. He’s substituting it with a manager and an agent.

I’m taking you out of the greys to tell you this is a comment section. It’s literally here for people to say what they think, you illiterate bootlicking piece of shit. 

I don’t trust anything the cops say

You’d think that but its probably the opposite is true. She knows she’s a celebrity so the normal rules of social engagement for us pleebs don’t apply to her ilk. She, like plenty of other famous people, just assume they are recognized by everyone at all times and accommodations will be made for them

I doubt anyone thinks of uncle Jesse as one of the Tanner sisters.”

she should demand that she publicly apologizes to herself!

Sounds like my brother got a job doing security for Wembanyama.

‘he didn’t do this thing, but he’s definitely guilty of SOMETHING’