
There will never be another cult classic. If your movie or show underperforms, it will be removed from sight, and that eventual groundswell of support that’s turned everything from Blade Runner to Heathers from disastrous flops to huge successes will never find it. The end.

It’s different. Movies put back in the vault STILL had physical copies out there. If someone really wanted to watch them, there was a way.

in my mind the ‘disney vault’ marketing tactic is literally the complete opposite of this.

This is a fundamental misunderstanding of the point of streaming platforms. They are absolutely not, nor were they ever, intended to be definitive media archives or preservation tools, despite what many people seem to think. At no point in history prior to about a decade ago did we ever expect every piece of media

The tax break thing has been over reported. In a lot of cases that is not what is happening at all. What is more likely is they are packaging up these cancelled properties and licensing them out to other streamers to make some money.

Anyone who didn’t see this coming just hasn’t been paying attention.

Well, he can’t use Tintin Quarantino, that’s my dog’s name.

I’m pretty sure he enjoys it.  He’s down for humiliation.  Especially if it involves getting stepped on 

Soderbergh also claimed he was going to retire, but then a few years later made a movie, and has done like 6 more or something since. Some of these people just can’t stay away.

Imagine how hateable he’d be if he used the word “atavistic” unprompted.

Knowing Tarantino’s ego, if/when he decides to make a 11th movie, he’ll just compare himself to film legend, Hayao Miyazaki, who has retired something like four times now. Maybe five?

Did he kick your dog or something? You’re allowed to just ignore the guy if you don’t like his movies.

Dude’s only 60. He’ll get bored. He’ll come up with a loophole. Or he’ll say, “Fuck it”. Or, “Did you think I was serious?” Or, “Yeah, I meant it then, but things change”. Or whatever. In any event, he’ll make a 11th, 12th, 13th, how many ever more films down the road. It might be a year later, a few years, or ten

Proofread your copy for God’s sake. 

If he makes more than 10 movies, the only public response I can see is one of understanding. We’ve accepted that nothing ends. In some ways, we’ve enabled it. This will be his ‘last’ film in the same way horror movies always say that. Or Toy Story, apparently. See you at the next one, Quentin.

“and he must know that he will be mocked ruthlessly at America’s hip independent movie theaters if he becomes a liar.”

I’m sure they say something racist, but there is no way it’s literally that. Something functionally similar, for sure...but, like, imagine the bad guy in an Indiana Jones movie literally dropping an n-bomb in 2023. In no universe was a PG-13 LucasFilm release, that’ll be front page on Disney+ by October, shooting a

‘Once Great, Now Completely Corrupted Entertainment Site Staffed Exclusively By Soulless, Talentless Clickbaiters to Greta Gerwig: Go To Hell!’

Probably not the N-word outright, but maybe along the lines of

I hate to break it to you, Greta ..