
You think the dog whistles are bad? I saw an ad the other day for dog groomers. Those liberal freaks aren’t even hiding that they’re trying to groom our sweet, innocent canine friends.

Every time I see the name “Ruby Gillman,” I momentarily see “Rudy Giuliani.”

White Lotus was just a few months ago.

The real solution is to make movie attendance mandatory. You want your precious “social services”? Well, you better have your ticket stub to ‘Pirates of the Caribbean: The Next Generation’ on you, or you don’t get squat!

What do you mean when you put quotes around Hollywood?  Like you don’t think Hollywood exists? Do you mean Hollywood sarcastically? Are you quoting someone? Are you a Boomer who punctuates randomly because of the lead poisoning?

He starred in one of the most high profile shows of 2022. Not that homophobes are watching White Lotus.

Guardians of the Galaxy is still in the Top 10, and yet we just had at least one article today talking about how that was a disappointment.

I mean, he lists what work he’s referring to. So that’s a pretty stupid question.

It is absurd that a dozen movies are made for $250million or more every year.  They can’t all be runaway blockbusters.  How do these executives keep their jobs when more than half tentpole movies lose scores of millions of dollars?

Johnny Knoxville is actually a pretty competent and amusing radio personality. However, I’ve never been able to watch more than a few minutes of Jackass. Just can’t see the point.

Calling it "defending" Majors is a bit of a stretch, no?

Ah, but what if you are fishing for the grumpy reaction?

Some actors you may get away with asking. Mark Hamill would be game. But not Harrison Ford. Respect the man, he’s a legend and a legendary grump 

Somehow the reaction is different when Alec Baldwin says that.

The Empire Strikes Back rates as, by far, the best installment in the original Star Wars trilogy franchise.

If you’re going to consider, for entries, cameos in “Anchorman” and his brief “Apocalypse Now” appearance , it’s incumbent to give one to his *other* “tiny but important and compelling” role for Coppola: Martin Starrett in “The Conversation”, in which he’s Smithers to Robert Duvall’s Burns, devotedly stalking & harassi

You’re really putting freaking Anchorman 2 ahead of American Graffiti???  I think we need to see other people.

I got a Community notification for this?

Our top story tonight: Piercinald Anastasia Hawthorne is still dead.

The slideshow is so superficial, probably put together in a few hours. I mean, Cool Hand Luke was set in Florida and Scarface is hot garbage. It’s a famous movie, but no one outside of a college dorm claims it’s a “great” movie.