
People in the United States often use “impact” as a verb.

Everybody's waiting on a leak.

It got verbed. Verbing weirds language. 


It can totally be a verb:

Last one turned out to be a huge drip.

Jelly-filled is the opiate of the masses!

Knowing that people get paid to write the jokes that appear on Real Time With Bill Maher actually makes me question supporting the WGA.

They're still working out the kinks. 

Writers’ strike or no, The Daily Show needs a full time hose they can rely on. It can make or break a lawn during the summer. 

which hasn’t found a new full-time hose anyway”

The Daily Show hasn’t found a new full-time hose?

Get hip to that Christo-fascist gravy train. A celeb can make a lot of money sucking up to fundamentalists and starring in their propaganda.

Apparently ...

Ted Danson seems okay, and people seem to have forgiven him for the blackface incident.

That really has nothing to do with why she was canceled. She got canceled for making a holocaust comparison between the genocide of Jews during WW2 and conservatives in the US after Trump lost the election. I guess you could call that “spreading misinformation”, but it’s a little more pointed than that, because it’s

Hate anti-vax views, but I do like seeing a celebrity have such a nonchalant response to Twitter controversies. So many have thin skin and freak out about being ‘cancelled’. 

This is exactly the right move to do, to be fair. Just don’t engage with it at all. People will move on a lot faster than you’d think.

Of being completely brain-fried, having given up his limited cognitive functions decades ago? Doesn’t seem like the best idea.