
Bryan Singer, right?

People really understate this, but the right wing smear campaign against Gunn has got to be one of the biggest fuckups in the history of the already momentously stupid “culture wars.”

Good lord, the comment sections on these kinja sites is getting worse and worse. Apparently loading 90 ads and trying to get me to the next article is preferable than the comments. I can’t even load most of these comments on my mobile device now. Something is going on and I don’t like it. 

“The guy who shot his dad thirty times approximately 0.00005 seconds after learning he killed his mom would absolutely not have punched Thanos in the face after slowly considering the possibility that he killed the woman he loved.”

because I just wasn’t in a mood to watch rich assholes be rich assholes”

Thank you. Jesus, the standards at this site are in the toilet. Their motto seems to be Know Nothing, Research Less.

Last week they did an article about how a Guardians of the Galaxy trailer contained the MCU’s first bleeped “fuck.” People were quick to point out that there’d been four or five already.

Billy Bob Thornton directed an adaptation of 'All the Pretty Horses' in 2000. The Coens were the first to do it right, but they weren't the first to do it.

How can the article confidently open with the assertion that only 3 novels of his have been adapted when there’s that Matt Damon film “All the Pretty Horses”? I didn’t even have to look that up and I barely follow this stuff. 

I mean, if you want an Egyptian queen that’s actually from Egypt, Nerfititi is right there and I’m sure it would be easy to find a black actress that already looks like her famous bust.

I love Community and I feel like even bad episodes of the show are better then most of what was on TV at the time or even now.

Ive never really gotten the Britta turned into an idiot take.

...she does have one wish for the culture: that more fans would give the series’ final season a few more flowers meowmeowbeenz.”

Now playing

Season 6 has what is quite possibly my all-time favorite bit:

I gave up on Yahoo! Screen after repeated attempts to watch S6E1 (“Ladders”) ended up like a slide show with the soundtrack running under it. When S6 landed on Netflix, I watched it and enjoyed the hell out of it. I think it’s a strong season.

Hm except she was quickly revealed to be putting on a persona as soon as the 5th episode where Jeff has to defend her in front of the school board. But I agree they didn’t have to make her quite that idiotic. I prefer thinking her character moved to LA and had a very strange relationship in “Love” 

Season 6 was back to form. You could feel the difference. It was just tighter. But the move to Yahoo, along with casting changes was a little jarring, gotta say.

Season 6 is awesome.  It has Keith "encouraging white people" David, that's head and shoulders best then season 4 and 5 with him alone.