
Seriously. Take a day off.

I’ve obtained a leaked draft of the Academy’s response.

His performance in The Wire is God-tier. Very interesting character arc, especially the way he intersects with Dominic West’s character (McNulty) and how they kind of make each other better cops whilst also hating one another, and not in a jokey cop buddy way, just a really complex relationship.

Just awful. He was a huge talent and made everything he was in better. I’ve been re-watching Fringe lately and it wouldn’t have been the show it was without him. He was such a pro and it showed.  This is hard news.

What the fuck. Terrible. This dude was chiseled from granite as recently as 6 months ago. What happened?

My feeling upon hearing that:

Neither of them would make a great babysitter.

Was waiting for a punchline, it never came. 

Fun existential angst for me hearing Christina Ricci referred to as one of the “older ladies.”

Saying she’s bad is totally missing the point. This is like saying, “God, imagine how much better The White Stripes would have been with a bassist, second guitar player, and a keyboard player.” Imagine how much worse White Stripes would be if some attention-seeking drummer cleared out all the space with drum fills.

Sass (and irony) noted.

“Meg White is a terrible drummer” is the sterotypical metalhead or prog-rocker response, whose idea of talent means musical masturbation in the form of solos and fills.

Jack White has... chimed in… in his own particular way”
He’s building something out of driftwood?

That rumor started because when they first hit the scene Jack always referred to Meg as his sister.

She was the perfect drummer for the sound Jack White wanted for the White Stripes.  The White Stripes songs don’t sound as good when Jack does them in concert now with a full band and a much better drummer.

Saying the band would have been more popular with a different drummer, I think, is a fundamental misunderstanding of why the White Stripes were popular in the first place. I think their popularity was due to their sound, which was known for being kind of “messy”, and for the whole mystery/mythos surrounding the band,

As I mentioned elsewhere on the thread, grading any art based on technical ability is a fools errand. Yes, under textbook theory, her drumming in The White Strips is minimalist and basic, but even if she is out of time, she was THE drummer in a band that sold millions of albums and has had hundreds of millions of

and like even if possible is it necessary? like i can suspend my disbelief when i watch a post apocalyptic show and people have not horrifying teeth

None of the actors on The Last of Us are really skinny & malnourished enough for a post-apocalyptic setting years after the collapse of civilization. And an entire cast imitating Christian Bale in The Machinist isn’t going to happen.

I happen to like her body type and wish there was more of it in major productions. I thought she did a great job in The Last of Us and was a fine fit for the character.