
Who was even in the list? I’ve seen like a half dozen different complaints about various people being left off it.

I’m a mental health doctor and understating it greatly, it’s not even remotely as simple as that. For starters, some people are refractory to treatment and can become increasingly so over their lives despite our best efforts even when they do their best to comply with treatment. We don’t know and I doubt people who

responses like these, where people “throw books” at those struggling instead of taking some accountability in providing some actual humanity, is why mental illness episodes are higher than ever. the woman is dead, keep tossing that book at the sky.

for what? Night Shift and North? Surely he fits more in an Emmy tribute

some fans of the original game still wish it would have been a little more faithful to the source material, particularly when it comes to the action.

They could have done Sorvino & Liotta in the same clip. The scene where Paul is smacking Henry telling him not to sell junk would have been great.

In fairness, how can they be expected to recognize Fred Ward, Melinda Dillon, or Philip Baker Hall when they need to have a five minute advertisement for The Little Mermaid in the middle of the broadcast, as well as Jimmy Kimmel pestering Malala for far too long?

Yeah, I find the back-and-forth about the scene since the game so tiring because the answer is everyone is wrong. I think the show’s changes are interesting in that they simultaneously made Joel out to be more of a cold-blooded killer (compared to the games where you Rambo through everything, the “I kill 10 guys

Come on, Firefly guy who Marlene tells to cover the baby’s ears. You had one job. One job.

Now that the season’s done, I can really say that I’m glad that I had no prior knowledge of the game. It seems like knowing the game really well tainted a lot of people’s viewing experience. There were quite frankly a tiring number of pieces analyzing large and small changes from the game. It’s hard for a lot of

This. Ellie didn’t consent, even if she did tell Joel she wanted to see it through earlier. Without full knowledge of what that means (ie: her death), she cannot make an informed choice or give consent. And like you, I wasn’t nearly confident enough in Marlene’s theory of the “cure” to sacrifice a child for it. (Plus,

When Marlene gave Joel that speech about how it’s what Ellie would have wanted, I really wanted him to say, ”Why didn’t you ask her?”

Boosting her up so she can drop a ladder is so very video gamey, I'm surprised there weren't any slow sideways shuffling across a ledge

Does Joel go overboard in reclaiming Ellie: Yes.

I’m not stupid. I’m smarter than yew!

Hopefully Spectrum keeps Corncob TV so I can watch the new season.

I have to get this off my chest. Earlier while I was waiting to use the private bathroom, I witnessed Tim Robinson performing oral on the Netflix Head of Programming. I’ve been conflicted about whether to say anything because I feel like ‘I Think You Should Leave’ could be renewed even without the oral. Tim Robinson

They don’t like making ‘em for you, but they can’t stop you buying a steak and a big glass of water.

Does this count as MY Christmas present? Because I didn’t ask for THAT.

That naughty old elf must be one mean bastard to give us this so early!