
This is true.  Successful people, for the most part, have some sort of privilege to take into account.  For Seth, maybe it’s that he’s white, a man, or grew up not in abject poverty, that sort of thing.  For me, though I’m Black and a woman, I had a financially stable upbringing by two college-educated parents. 

Rogen’s been in the industry long enough (both in front of and behind the camera) to know he has to be just as willing to accept harsh criticisms as he is to accept being lavished with accolades. He doesn’t get to say “review my material objectively...but please don’t hurt my feelings.”

Critics provide a service to the public, giving us advance knowledge of potential shows/movies/music we may or may not want to spend money/time on. They owe it to the public to be accurate in regards to the quality of the product. As long as they don’t get personal, they absolutely have the right to critique a

The conversation sure can be about wealth, class, and privilege, but 99% of the conversations that specifically mention entertainment-industry nepotism say nothing besides “Nepo babies, amirite?”

I generally like Seth Rogen and I can understand the shitty feeling of people saying something you spent time/effort on as an expression of yourself sucks. It’s hard not to take that personally. That said, not every personal expression is going to click with everyone and the Green Hornet was one of those things. I

Rogen’s next interview: “It’s funny, I’m at the point in my career where not a lot of people are in a position to yell at me in my job, but Yellowfoot can publish an entire hit piece about me on the Onion.”

it’s also weird because if i had a plumber fixing something in my house and he said his father was a plumber, and his father before him was a plumber, i would be like ‘i bet this guy is a great plumber’.

Right? It’s the ultimate shaking-fist-at-cloud issue. So movie stars from an overstuffed, overvalued industry we all regularly fund are sometimes the sons and daughters of other movie stars. So fucking what? Unless you’re directly impacted by it, like if you’re a struggling actor or something, why would this chart on

Here is the direct quote taken from a Times UK op ed she wrote. “it is dangerous to assert that any category of people deserves a blanket presumption of innocence”

Why do people (media people) insist Jennifer Lopez is an award-worthy actress?? She is a decent actress, but has never risen to that level. Hustlers, in particular, is so overrated, I honestly don't get the appeal of the performances nor the sympathy shown the real-life women. So baffling!

You’re right, Dan, some biologists find even describing sex as “bimodal” to be too limiting.

No mention of the great Ed Harris? Hard to believe...he never misses and has had a long string of terrific performances.  He’s long overdue, but perhaps he’ll get one for his entire career.  

If we are speaking purely in terms of reproduction then yes, there are (more or less) two sexes. However, scientists don’t rely purely on reproductive anatomy to determine sex, and that’s were things can get complicated. There are, of course, the not insignificant number of people who are born intersex, but beyond

Really surprised Donald Sutherland hasn’t been nominated.

A lot of it’s circumstantial stuff, JKR liking or agreeing with people whose wider philosophies are terrible.

Idris Elba made a name for himself in British television with the award-winning detective series Luther,

Would like to note, historically speaking, Edward G. Robinson. Typecast as a gangster, he still put on major performances in other genres - even comedies - and was constantly denied an Oscar nomination. Double Indemnity, where he played the good guy insurance partner to Fred MacMurray’s scheming lead role, should have

But she was nominated last year?

The only real travesty here is Donald Sutherland.