
Man, The Knick was a fantastic show. One of the most underrated and under-watched shows of recent times, next to Manhattan and Halt and Catch Fire. Might catch up on this just to catch S2 (heard S1 was pretty good + Matthew Rhys are also bonuses).

I’m just a boy, standing in front of a girl, asking for her skin.

“And this offends you as a Jewish person?” “No, it offends me as a comedian.”

This was Martin Luther’s take as well. Catholics believe in transubstantiation — that the wafer and wine literally become the body and blood of Christ. Luther called that cannibalism. Protestants who participate in the Eucharist treat it as symbolic.

‘Only Pedro Pascal could make us thirsty with the line, “You focus right here or I’ll pop your fucking kneecap off.” Yes, zaddy, pop it.’

“Oh, great. Religious zealots,” I said as soon as that scene started. Hell of a performance, but nine times out of ten if religious folks suddenly show up in a story that hasn’t had them, they (or at least their leader) is going to turn out to be a monster.

I’m an atheist myself and am naturally suspicious of the motives of any self-declared “man of God”, but really, for the past twenty or thirty years, it would be more of a twist for a preacher in a movie or TV show to actually be a good guy given that the default is that they are a crook and/or a pedophile.

I’m surprised anyone thought David was good from the start. It’s a safe bet, in any genre fare, that the person spouting scripture is going to be sinister. It would be more shocking to turn out otherwise. 

Was it supposed to be a plot twist that David is a “bad guy” lol?  I think the twist is that they failed at making him unsympathetic.  If the village is actually starving, and some people have died... yeah you might turn to cannibalism. 

We think David is being gentle and fatherly with Ellie because he’s a man of god and doesn’t want to harm anyone.

Ellie doesn’t need an incredible sense of direction not to get lost. She had footprints in the snow. The same way the group managed to track her down so easily.

No, he didn’t.

She had publicized the affair previously.  That was what was in very bad taste.  Rock didn’t improve it, be he certainly didn’t initiate it.

Is anyone else not a fan of the cuts to the audience? It always feels a little forced to me, like the director feels the need to make absolutely sure we know that people are laughing. 

Saw him live in Vegas. Was ok but pretty uninspired material. Very tame I thought. No real desire to see this, but it’s so weird how comedy routines from certain folks have become socio-political sounding boards for the Very Online and no one actually judges to see if they succeed as comedy!

he got paid a shitton of money to dump on

In a vacuum, I would and did say that Rock’s joke against JPS was pretty harmless. Calling a bald woman ‘GI Jane’ in a jokey way, at an event where some light ribbing is expected, could almost be interpreted as a compliment, frankly - especially if he didn’t know it was due to alopecia.

Yes, because making fun of one woman implies he’s making fun of all women.

He’s not shitting on Trans people, so I count this as a win.

compelling counterpoints