
The issue is not that he refused to discriminate by race. The issue is that he sent a legendarily shitty and racist email in response to their request. I taught college for over 20 years and got all kinds of requests from students from reasonable to completely, wildly, unreasonable. And every single time, I answered

Yes, people take mental health days all the goddamn time. My work actively promotes it because they are not dickbags. And why not let the students explain why his email was so wrong

He wasn’t put on leave cause he broke the law. He was put on leave cause he wrote a wildly disrespectful email in response to the request to postpone the final exam (which was worth 100% of the class mark - terrible, terrible pedagogy). Please stop stirring up shit.

Yeah, I tend to treat children like children. Or were you under the impression that college students are worldly thirtysomethings?

Let me know when you guys decide if you want ideological diversity or to keep students from having opinions you don’t like, if you dislike racism when it affects people of color, if you want professors to have job security or not, if you think administrations should make curriculum decisions or not, etc. Sure as fuck

I literally described what their jobs are.

Who was I racist against, son? In what way? All I did was denounce the content of his motherfucking character. I didn’t call anyone an Uncle Tom. That was you. I didn’t say a fucking thing about blacks being owned by anyone, and I didn’t mention Democrats at all.

Unless one has already wound themselves up and made this manufactured issue the totality of their identity, son, someone documenting a thousand times that students objected to their professors (in one of like 100 possible ways here, which range from the silly to the 100% legitimate) is not the smoking gun you think it

You can CapsLock those words all you want, it doesn’t make them any more convincing. The student requested a “No Harm” exam *for the entire class*, which is a reasonable middle ground between no consideration at all for a potentially turbulent situation and asking for individual grade adjustments based on

People who spend time in academia aren’t super concerned about the half dozen incidents that people who don’t but spend a lot of time on Facebook collect.

During a time when governors are straight up banning books and the teaching of subjects and stifling free speech at schools and private businesses — and trying to do away with tenure and having university hiring and structural decisions be made by random ultraconservative goons — I have a hard time getting super

As an actual adjunct professor at an actual college that actually has had to deal with some fantastic race-baiting dipshittery in his colleagues, let me please invite you to shut the fuck up.

This moronic take again...

So, somebody does some truly reproachable and wrong thing, suffer the consequences for it - which frequently isn’t even the case, since these fuckers keep getting huge public platforms and millions of dollars! - and that’s somehow “cancel culture”?

Peak Dunning-Kruger is wild.

Yeah, again, you have one actual troll sounding nonsensical alarms. The fact that you think John fucking McWhorter represents anything other than a cynical attempt to make money for John McWhorter by being the black guy who will happily validate white supremacists for money and attention makes me question whether you

People who go to college know that anecdotes are not trends.

Well, your poor reading comprehension might suggest that you are that, but a more reasoned reading of my statement would reveal that, just as people are allowed to make judgments, other people are allowed to have opinions on those judgments. The terrible fucking person who didn’t go to college part was pretending that

If that was a good example, someone would have actually been cancelled, kiddo. Suspended pending an investigation and then reinstated.  And this was the one example you came up with.

My explanation of an extant concept indicates the existence of that concept, yes.

Rolling Stone has 6 million followers on Instagram, half of them probably bots. And Jocelyn has 78 million followers, all real I’d assume.”