
I mean, you gotta admit that’s a pretty great roster of comedians... for me to poop on!

Eastern Promises Broken!

Bigots exist. Homophobia exists.

FWIW, I’m knee deep in a good many nerd circles, and I’ve heard nothing but acclaim for TLoU. I’m an episode behind, but I’m digging it (even if it drags at times).

Then show me the “backlash” and the “outrage”. It shouldn’t be too hard, given that it’s apparently so prevalent that they wrote a whole article about it.

Literally the episode hasn’t been out for even a day and there’s already a  “controversy.”

Apparently I’ve been living under a rock.  This article made zero sense to me.  

aspiring MC Ariana DeBose notched her first major hit last weekend with the delicious, ridiculous simplicity of the line “Angela Bassett did the thing.”

“TLOU has faced homophobic backlash since it was only a video game, so it’s no surprise that there are folks out there working themselves into an outrage over two teens kissing. But, “I think Bella put it perfectly a couple”

Yes, I really couldn’t give a flying f about what happened in the game. I am watching the TV show.

(which for TLOU gamers is pure foreshadowing)

I feel like an issue with this show is that it does all the prestige-y stuff if tv very well- and this was very prestige- but not so much the tv part. This and episode 3 were freest but that’s two episodes of a limited series run not devoted to the actual plot. Their being a three month gap in between the previous two

Definitely my least favorite episode so far. They spent way to much time just goofing around, and I just had a hard time paying attention to it. I really didn’t feel like I gained anything from this episode about Ellie or about the main story. 

Like I said with the Dahl stuff, I’m not a huge fan of Bowdlerization — it always seems like a cynical half-measure to me, and even beyond that a lot of the Dahl stuff seemed to go from “reasonable edits” to “changing the work for questionable reasons”.

You sweet summer child.  Rich people don’t go to jail, especially if they have millions of rabid followers who aren’t afraid of violence.

The language that Mark Twain used seems selected specifically to be offensive - not to the people who were the fictional targets in the book, but to the real live people who used that language in their daily lives. To expose them as ignorant, nasty human beings who used that language to denigrate others.

Oh Trump is absolutely going to run and it’s taking forever for him to get indicted so he probably won’t be in jail. 

Ah yes the right wing propaganda movie about the habitual liar who bragged about shooting people in New Orleans that he didn't and whom comsidered arab people subhuman.  Ah yes that film.

Is it weird that the I think the premise at least has some potential? A Bond story from the girl’s POV about how some crazy spy nonsense suddenly barged into her life isn’t the worst idea.

At a strip club outside a college campus, “Bond could hear the frat boys panting and grunting like pigs at the trough”