
Or if they asked white US residents if they had a positive or negative impression of the statement “Black lives matter.”

Jim Babwe, in his reply to kingdom2000, provided what I feel is sufficient context for the quote, and I agree that it would have been better if the actual AV Club article had provided that context in the first place.

During the 2020 election, Adams claimed that if Joe Biden won, most Americans would be dead within one year, because “Republicans will be hunted.” He did not mean metaphorically, he meant Biden would literally allow and encourage people to hunt Republicans like animals.

he was an issue for a while, but he completely blew up his cart by going hard for trump in 2016. I was actually a pretty big fan, but he is proof you can be really smart about a small number of things and a freaking moron about many more of them. this is frankly unsurprising. what he should have said was nothing.

I have some exact and spot-on reporting for you: Scott Adams is a racist motherf**ker with a long and documented history of spouting off racist rants and White Nationalism. There, thus ends my report.

“How come nobody has considered that he meant ‘I would advise white people to stay away from black people’ in a non racist way?”

They linked the video in question, if you’re curious, or doubt the article. Once confirmed as hate speech, nothing is gained by repeating hate speech in full.

lol how much context do you need exactly? you seem a little desperate

Adams has been pretty much known to be a right-wing shit head for decades now, so a blatently racist video made by him should come as no surprise to anyone.

Are you familiar with Adams? This isn't uncharacteristic for him. His very, very, very far right. The type that complained Trump wasn't extreme enough 

Based on the pull quotes, I don’t think there’s some magical context that will make the braindead cartoonist’s virulent racism somehow lessened or explainable. Especially considering that we have a storied history of the braindead cartoonist being a right-wing shitheel.

The full context does not make it any better. He interprets some poll as proof that a majority of Black people have anti-White beliefs, calls them a hate group for it and says White people should stay away from Black people and that that’s why he lives in an area with little to no Black people.

Yeah, in any conflict short of “show-derailing public abuse,” I would bank on “who is more famous/integral to the show” over “who has the moral high ground” resolving the issue in 98% of cases.

Old Hobbits Die Hard
BOOM! There’s your reboot!

I was thinking the same thing after reading the statement, “for all the scope and detail lovingly packed into the two trilogies, the vast, complex and dazzling universe dreamed up by J.R.R. Tolkien remains largely unexplored.”

They’d have to be talking about spin-offs because, while Jackson didn’t stick with the text

Look, they can’t be expected to actually read what they wrote—they’re too busy writing it!

Ready to feel ancient? Back to the Future isn’t a film franchise of the last 30 years. The last of the three movies is now 33 years old.

Given how well the Star Wars prequels turned out, my mind is now at ease.

My pitch:

If you asked me the question: “What major film franchise of the past 30 years is least in need of a reboot?” I would’ve said “Lord of the Rings.”