
“I feel like a lot of earlier stuff mentioned on here (Betty Boop, Fritz the Cat, Heavy Metal) pays into an even worse characterization that animation is only for kids AND perverts.”

Shame Ralph Bakshi never had any taste. His movies would be so much more interesting.

My favorite type of Guy is the one that goes cartoons can be for adults and rather than watch something for grownups like Perfect Blue or Mad God they make hours long Youtube rants about why the new Transformers cartoon is too “woke” or some shit.

• The elderly couple were fantastic. Hilarious, tough, nice…I’m glad there was no unpleasantness besides Joel briefly holding them hostage. "You made them soup?" 

Out West, The Last Of Us delivers a gut punch

Eh I don’t agree with it being beautiful. The Walking Dead pulled this shit all the time (making it seem like a character may die and waiting weeks or sometimes even months to reveal if they did) and it sucked. It’s just a cheap cliffhanger to keep viewers invested.

It’s schtick now, right? Like those restaurants where the wait staff are mean to customers?

I think Niel explained it really well, in that Fergus’ reaction HAS to be shocking enough to upset Dil. And Dil has to remain a sympathetic character, so any reaction of Fergus has to be severe enough that Dil’s counterreaction, of becoming upset in return, is still reasonable, understandable, and sympathetic. The less

I have a pretty strong gag reflex that comes up when I encounter something that shocks me to my core or gives me a lot of anxiety. If I remember the movie right, that’s what Fergus was going through on a lot of levels at the time of the “reveal.” It’s a realistic response for someone from his background, at that time,

What message is it propagating?

Okay first off this isn't the end of the world.  Its minor changes its not like the kids in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory aren't be tortured.  Its not 1984 or a nazi book burnings shut up.  Not like the Twitter reactionaries were buying his books anyway.  Second, Dahl was... quite something.  Oh you think Seuess

That’s what particularly annoyed us - it was very clear YouTube/Google were making absolutely no attempt, whatsoever, to blacklist or counter people making repeated false claims. The same handful of companies would claim they owned something which was obviously not theirs, and sometimes they’d even do it sequentially

Tropico allows you to secure a portion of your island’s yearly income into a personal Swiss bank account. Not exactly Boss but its a start.

This guy is an attorney, but he files a bunch of false DMCA/copyright strikes? Sounds like he should be disbarred.

I’ve long lamented that the big problem with city builders is the inability to commit really serious fraud. Like, you know Boss? I want a game where I can do all that stuff.

Interesting idea. As a player, you can then do the same. Build structures up to spec, or cheap out.
Game ends if you manage to either escape with a suitcase full of gold (amount set as ultimate goal), or you get shot by the government, or strung up by the population.

The only way this game can be realistic is if all of the economic/production data given to the player is completely fabricated and over-inflated, but you don’t know by how much. Like you think you have X units of steel being produced, but the reality is you have a fraction of that. And do that across all of your input

Joke’s on him, because now the game will get even more publicity. Case in point, I’d never heard of it until today, but now I’m intrigued.

The dude probably can’t afford it either. He’s just abusing the DMCA takedown system to troll the developers and deprive them of revenue. It happens to YouTubers all the time because anyone can file a takedown notice for any reason without providing proof.

DMCA is way too broad and easily abused.