
I have always loved this bit:

I watched a ton of Nick at Night as a kid in the 90s. Taxi and Cheers (which was syndicated all over the place) were absolutely my jam.

Now playing

I’ve watched this 40 seconds 700 times and hope to watch them 700 more.

Up until a couple of years ago, it was just called “acting.” What people forget is that cis straight actors playing characters outside their own identities opened doors for everyone. Society changes in a series of small steps, and one of those steps is seeing people on the screen who help you see the people around you

Chinese balloons, earthquakes, exploding trains and now THIS?!?

I actually love the labyrinthine timeline of season 4.  The first couple episodes are a drag but the payoffs more than make up for it in the later episodes.  Tobias and Gob are especially good.

Tobias is amazing in every scene. “Daddy needs to get his rocks off.

I’ve come to the earth-shattering conclusion this whole streaming thing isn’t what it’s cracked up to be.

To be later shown on the now also cancelled Reboot

Actually Season 4 was really great. Really great. And he could so easily have just given us more of the same

As we’ve all learned extensively over the last year, streaming services can and will unceremoniously remove any series from their library at the drop of a hat

The board room at Netflix right now:

Hahaha marry me! 


Buster is one of the greatest characters in any TV series.

Honestly, I buy everything I love on DVD (everyone’s selling off their physical collections so nearly everything can be found dirt-cheap on EBay). I don’t like the future I’m seeing where you’ll need to belong to twelve different streaming services to see the stuff you want to see. You know that when DVD goes they’re

Queerbaiting” AKA “I’ve decided you’re gay based solely on how you act and nothing else.”

This headline was confusing to me because I’ve always seen queerbaiting defined as hinting at a character’s or characters’ queerness but never confirming it. There ought to be another word for a straight actor playing an explicitly queer character. Queerface might work if it didn’t sound so much like a 1980s junior

“Sorry I’m hot to all types of people