
Actors are not important. They work for your leisure and escapism. 

Will Smith in The Baggage of Bagger Vance

Takei: “Except for one, who was a prima donna.”
Takei: “He’s just a cantankerous old man...”
Takei: <never shuts up about Shatner>

“Some people were overreacting, which made some people underreact”


I find it quite sad that this stale bit of celebrity gossip is what everyone chooses to run with when there was so much more interesting material in the original article. Of course some of the blame goes to Takei for allowing himself to be baited into talking about something that has been rehashed for decades instead

Right, let's talk about that since it's relevant to the purview of a pop-culture site, unlike war and politics.

I really hope/wish they can get over all this (though I doubt it). We only have 3 TOS main cast left, and I’m sure they know how much they’ve done mean to us fans.  It’s very sad to hear that Shatner and Nimoy were estranged at the end.

You’re right, pop culture website should stop reporting on pop culture. I come here to read about wars and genocides, dammit!

I love how much in common they have and it’s cute how both have relied on 20somethings to write their tweets since the dawn of twitter.

Great post.

This is Will Smith humbled down? Good golly...

I mean he’s kind of always been a phoney baloney, though. He’s charismatic and fun to watch on screen, but so is Tom Cruise (who actingwise, not personally, is one of my faves to watch), who also has that weird fakeness about him.

It was super odd to see. Does make me wonder how that moment would have gone if, say, security had escorted him out of the room after the slap. Picturing them announcing his name as the winner, some awkward uncomfortable laughter. Maybe Chris Rock jokes about accepting it on Will Smith’s behalf. Still weird, but maybe

not saying there was any way to do anything differently, just to me THAT was the crazy part. watching him have to give an insane acceptance speech right after.

There is so much in that interview that is just....oh yikes. Watching two men discuss this is equal parts fascinating and frustrating. For starters, I’m over any kind of “that’s not who I am” justification from men. Women know better. We know that in these moments when you lose control, you are probably more yourself

Putting aside whether or not Will Smith is genuinely sorry or not (I’m not the wronged party so it’s not my place to say, and the insistence that rando members of the public have a right to judge the sincerity of a celebrity’s apology is to me one of the more bizarre cultural rituals around celebrity scandal), I think

It was a really good slap. 

now that time has passed it’s worth pointing out that the truly insane thing wasn’t really the slap - it was that 10 minutes later he won best actor.