
Yeah knowing he’s bipolar, really makes me wonder if he’s off his meds.  I had a relative who was bipolar.  He’d be on meds, get stable, and go right off them because he figure “I feel fine now, I don’t need the meds anymore” and before long, he was convinced the local grocer was trying to poison him, and was planning

I feel like people have tried for ages but Kayne is both mentally ill and rich and powerful.   So any attempts to help him he pushes away and then burns the bridge.  I suspect it’s what killed his marriage 

Well Aemond did try to kill Luke so I’d call it even.

Someone needs to intervene here, this guy is not right. 

I don’t know that it’s the trigger. People have been pretty credulous about how much one slightly-less-unfriendly family meal was going to heal the deep divisions between the two families. One cheerful dinner and a few decent toasts weren’t going to put Otto off his ambitions or make Aemond forget that someone at the

Oh I’m sorry, is people standing around a hall making proclamations or sitting around a table making insults (veiled or otherwise) not entertaining for you? Because that’s kind of a big component of this show (and GOT for that matter). No less than 60%, at least.

Earned? Don’t know about that.

Last week’s episode is still better, but this one was solid. Yet another time jump meant yet another disorienting first Act, as I reacclimate myself with who’s who of the new cast (while continuing to be amused at how age works on this show... Suddenly Aemond looks older than Aegon, and Criston Cole has got to be from

I feel like Luke really didn’t mean to slight Aemond (just reminiscing about a joke when they were younger), and if Aemond weren’t such a wormy psychopath, he could’ve been the bigger man and laughed along with him.

It’s not about compassion.

Except for the part where I clearly said it’s not a defense, but understanding the overlap between mental illness and many of these behaviors just might make a difference.

All people who have diminished abilities to critically think about things they’re being told or reading online are all potentially dangerous. Kanye happens to be one of them. Ignoring one of those details in favor of just calling him a fuckwit does nothing to potentially avoid a much worse situation.

I didn’t say that *he* did.

I’m not crying for Kanye West. I’m suggesting that Jewish kids are probably more in danger when someone like West has an unchecked mental health crisis in a country that doesn’t do enough for mental health or protecting groups from violence. That’s how West - or someone in a similar situation - goes from words to

Understanding why the guy with the big megaphone might be susceptible to these ways of thinking can potentially fix the problem. 

Bad people can absolutely have mental health problems.

I don’t really follow Kanye at all, but it does seem like he was getting treatment at some point, and he was a lot better than this, if still terrible. Add in the fact that whatever he has is probably degenerative, and it seems likely that if he was forced to get treatment somehow, he would be a lot less awful.

I think this Ye fellow may have some mental health issues 

I’m split between whether we need to publicize these things to condemn them, or let them go so as to not amplify the voice of someone who is clearly not in good mental health and kind of just shouting reactionary things at the clouds.

He also has a history of mental health struggle with bipolar disorder, a history of prescription drug abuse, past psychosis, and history of nervous breakdowns.