
Even without the background Chevy drama, I wouldn’t have expected him simply because his character is dead. I know nothing is technically impossible with a show like Community, but still, dunno why speculation about that gets as much oxygen as it does.

It’s very nearly not worth doing if Glover and Brown don’t appear

Community’s returns were ever diminishing

Looking back on it, Chevy had a point. The intent of Pierce was always to be the old bigot everyone else was repulsed by and occasionally taught to be better, but there was an element of the writers trying to have their cake and eat it too by using the cast’s reactions to his racist jokes as an excuse to tell those

All three of your points are very valid. I think with regards to the first one, I wasn’t arguing as much that it will be good as much as we shouldn’t automatically assume a lazy, Kevin Smith-esque project, because the writer of the movie has spoken about attempts to make it more than a lazy callback machine.

It can be nothing but 90 minutes of the cast sitting around the study room table making fun of the viewer for subscribing to peacock just for this and I’d still be glad it was at least made.

When I read the headline I was originally thinking she was going to out herself as never having been underage. That was the only thing that made sense as it was a matter of record that she was underage.  

“Angelina Jolie reveals that she is related to Jon Voight in new interview”

Christ, guys, this is sub-Zergnet-level clickbait.

Remember that time I went on The AV Club and announced that I’ve got two legs that reach approximately from my hips to the ground and when I move them they walk around?

I suppose it’s possible to start rumors about yourself. You could leave an anonymous tip somewhere or speak off the record and have it leak. But if you go on Leno and say “I lied about my age during the audition,”  then you haven’t started a rumor. You’ve just increased the amount of information available about

Your article says “She was 65.”

Why would anyone ever be mean to Lily Tomlin?

Why would anyone ever be mean to Amy Adams?

at least a little surprising

Perhaps because that didn’t happen.

This has to be the first time someone used the term “mainstream media” and then appealed to its authority.

It’s literally pointed out that they’re talking about the racist backlash. Not any and all backlash and negativity. But I’m sure you knew that.

It seems unlikely that the massive review bombing campaign that occurred before any episodes aired are the result of legitimate criticisms of the show.

People sure have a way of reading something that says “racists are bad” and thinking it said “all people in X group are bad racists.”

There was a biting, culturally-specific edge to the first season that was missing from subsequent ones. I stopped watching, because the show was just so toothless at a certain point.