
Funny you should mention, because Colin Jost made a similar joke on last weekend’s SNL. Something about the prime minister of Italy being accused of being a white supremacist and the punchline was something like “wait, we’re considering Italians white?”

Maybe Valarian DNA sometimes spits out a random dark skin person.  It’s a world with Dragons and magic and shit.  Why do genetics have to follow our rules or make sense 

He wasn’t. I suspect the article meant to say Areo Hotah, Doran Martell’s captain of the guard, who was portrayed by DeObia Oparei in the show but is apparently described as light-skinned in the books.

Fuck off.

I thought they were saying that if the circumstances were totally different, then their opponents’ position on it would be the same, which would show that the position isn’t actually due to the circumstances.

I actually prefer that there’s black Valyrians because it’s the only way I can tell all of these fucking blonde people apart 

These two are first-class assclowns.

SPOILER- I guess for GOT

Corlys’ wife is Rhaenys Targaryen, “the Queen who never was”, so they’re already joined by blood. In the canon of the books, Aegon I Targaryen himself (and his sisters) were the children of Valaena Velaryon. Because the Targaryens & Velaryons looked the same, it was expected that Rhaenyra’s children with Laenor would

Racists who are more comfortable with family fucking than race mixing? Well now I’ve seen everything.

Is she wrong? Plenty of Daemon/Rhaenyra, Jon/Dany, even Cersei/Jaime shippers out there. 

When was Daario portrayed by a POC?

Oh, the pandemic is weeding, all right:

Go read Jenna’s other reviews for the show. There’s errors and oversights that are so large they make it impossible to engage with the content. You can’t even have a good chat about it in the comments because the actual substance of the observations are off. It’s not bloviating nerd pedantry, it’s a meaningful problem

>>>”And then he doesn’t even have the courage to meet Alicent’s gaze.”

This writer is TERRRRRIBLE at the “attention-paying” aspects of her job.

This week I skipped straight to the comments. And a good thing too, I see.

You are really not great at either paying attention to the episode or wording your recaps. All 4 are clearly in on Leanor's death. Daemon is shown killing the person they pulled out of the fire place... 

When Rhaenyra proposes to Daemon, she tells him that she “cannot face the Greens alone.” You’d be forgiven for not knowing what that means, because like so much other plot-pivotal knowledge, the show hasn’t told us about it.

Gurl, just say that you don’t like the show enough to pay attention.

If anyone wants to break up with their spouse/partner, just call Daemon.