
Great! Tomorrow work on why it’s terrible judgement to use it in this context.

Nah, while there may indeed be valid questions to ask between the rights of the documentarian and the rights of the subject and there may indeed be some questionable ethics involved here, this is still a bad comparison. There is a clear difference between physically assaulting someone and using their words, freely and

She doesn’t mind posting SA victims' private DMs to her Instagram stories in attempts to shame and humiliate them, so I’m struggling to have sympathy for her.

This Effie person is also kind of...I can’t think of a nice word for crazy.

While I find the celebrity exposé genre prurient and don't enjoy it myself there's an argument to be made that with our imperfect justice system publicizing the crimes of the rich and famous is often the only way to ensure they receive any punishment for them, even if only in the court of public opinion.

If you, of your own volition, make a statement in a public place, you surrender power over how other people might make use of what you say. If they had captured her statement on hidden camera and used it without her consent, I could see where she’s coming from, but this isn’t at all comparable to what Hammer did to

Today I learned that producing a documentary is comparable to rape.

I don’t know about the morality about producing an Armie Hammer documentary in the first place—and the trailer makes this series look pretty damn schlocky—but someone’s public social media posts are unambiguously fair game.

Huh? That is the “theology” of his fantasy world. Everything was initially perfect until Melkor corrupted it.

Canonically Celebrimbor gets the idea to make the Rings from Sauron while he’s being held prisoner

“nothing starts out evil” seems like a pretty direct attack on Tolkien’s theology.

I don’t know a ton about Tolkien’s works, or how any of the magic in his world actually works, so maybe there’s something that contradicts this, but to me, it seems that The Stranger is Sauron, reborn in a new human form.

The first name that came to mind when I saw him was ‘Gandalf’, but who knows. All I know is that I’m excited about this show and I’m stoked that my low expectations were unwarranted.

Canonically Celebrimbor gets the idea to make the Rings from Sauron while he’s being held prisoner

The only way to read this is that you were looking for something to not like. 

Pretty obvious that the man who fell to Middle-earth is David Bowie.

It’s obviously Jeff.

1) The War of Wrath also involved a large chunk of western Middle Earth being blasted into the ocean.

It’s Tim

Well, all I can say is I’m glad I’m not a Tolkien fanboy, so I can enjoy the show for what it is rather than grinding my teeth and tearing my clothes apart at every perceived slight of the author’s memory.