
 But who should be the most rich and the most famous? We should care deeply about this.

I haven’t seen any tribe jump to her defense and show her supposed native heritage. You’d think at least her sisters would have known.

Strong disagree on the little late after taking the stage argument. I’d say taking the gig and then immediately blowing up their spot takes .ich more courage, draws much more attention and does a lot more to let the local LGBT community to know they're supported than just refusing to go in the first place.

Also, the Last Duel is actually pretty good, so doubt he'd have given up on that being good.

I know it’s not a new word, though it is a word that’s more common in the UK than the US. But it is a word that I haven’t heard or seen for years and now have seen multiple times in about 36 hours.

I think something must have happened with that word? I've see it not only here, but elsewhere on the internet today.

 Why does Hollywood think the world wants more Wonka?

Generations was released at a time when I was deeply in love with Movies and every movie I saw was the greatest movie ever, so I loved it initially. Later when Movies and I settled into a more old married couple routine I rewatched it and turns out it’s garbage.

I remember that pissed off my mom. I knew nothing about the show though, so I enjoyed it.

Who hasn’t, metaphorically, hit their own face in Vegas?

This list really seems to be: Here’s a movie set in this state, but down below we list a number of movies which are obviously and clearly better than the first movie we mentioned.

Rather than save an aging brand that belongs to a major corporation and reaches an ever smaller audience, using their money and influence to start up a non-profit that makes classic important movies that are overlooked by profit focused corporations available to a wide audience through quality streaming and other

 Confusing? Not really. Hard to watch? Yeah.

I actually like Elvis’ music, but with so many of the original blues artists having actual awesome stories can we stop with Elvis movies already?

Yep. They’d divorced. Also, I keep forgetting that she’s still alive. Elvis is dead and Lisa Marie is dead but she marches on. Watch your back Riley. She might be a witch.

 To be fair, there's absolutely no way one can know something is funny or not until they do it. 

I don't have a lot of faith in human nature, so to me, "restraining oneself" is pretty much a prerequisite of being a nice guy.

 I enjoy hugging, so I'd hug someone who asked for a hug even if they were a stranger. But I can completely understand the point of view of not wanting to hug a stranger and it's anyone's right to say no.

 You're not doing Jesus any favors here.

 Basically you're arguing for Jesus' story not being boring by arguing for a Jesus story that doesn't focus on Jesus himself.