
They’re too busy freaking out because someone said on AVClub that they thought the story of Jesus was boring to do all that love your neighbor stuff.

But based off that I’d be more likely to be upset they aren’t putting more money into employee payroll than that they are making people pay for their service.

Pretty sure there’s no part in the Bible that says you can’t find the story of Jesus to be a snooze. 

I’m pretty sure demographically speaking, it’s the Jesus crowd who are more likely to overlap with the monster truck crowd.

That’s not really telling the story of Jesus. That’s like saying Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter told the story of Lincoln.

I also think Superman is boring. But at least Superman has Kryptonite.

Yeah, the outrage seems pretty dumb here. I mean, if it’s just anti-capitalism I get it, but with all the other sins of capitalism to choose from, that they’re choosing to get upset that the subscription service is making people pay for their service just makes them look like a selfish baby. 

Even in my younger days when I was actively religious I never understood the appeal of the story of Jesus as a story. Who is interested in watching a perfect person go around being perfect with everyone? Sounds dull as hell no matter how well made.

While people like me who didn't want Perry Mason, found this show to be a pleasant surprise. But it probably does make it hard for a show to find the right audience that way.

Oh my God. I just realized that's the same actor.

Yeah, sometimes people come along who don’t appeal to me at all but I find it hard to speak out about not liking them because the worst parts of society have made it their goal in life to hate that person and I don’t want to be associated in any way with that group.

 Raises the question, Is Keanu Reeves going around breaking things so that he can jump in and be the hero?

 He's about 80 and has taken a lot of drugs. I'm not looking for him to be intellectually sharp at this point.

And premise.

I mean, he was being given a statue of himself as a gift, so I figure she could guess he was wealthy. But in that regard she was doing quite well herself.

Yeah, there's a couple on here I'd watch again, but that one really stood out. Why would I not watch it again? He'll yeah. I'd watch it again right now and then happily turn around and watch it one more time. 

Not really surprising. It has business right there in its name.

Cleopatra being black is not an academic debate. All that is known about her suggests she was Greek. One side has all the evidence. That's not an academic controversy.  That's like saying climate change is an academic controversy. One side has all the evidence and one side has something they make up because it makes

Lol. “Cleopatra was black” is not a far left position.

That seems to be exactly what happened in this story? She didn't like the sexy aspect of the role so passed on it.