
By Kirk Cameron's wife?

I guess it depends on what you count as a sex scene. The full exposure ones do seem a bit less common than they did a decade or two ago, but the sex scene with strategically placed arms and blankets seems to be doing well. I imagine for an actor the latter could be just as uncomfortable as the former.

Nope. We can only do one thing. Which is why I have done nothing. Have to wait and make sure it’s really the right thing. I’d hate to waste my one thing I can do on something stupid.

I have no idea what you're talking about, so maybe.

I think people pretty much forgave him for it when Whoopi said she told him it was ok. I think people generally are forgiving when people are doing their best and make mistakes.

I’d rather have only republican friends than one libertarian friend mixed in with all my other friends.

Nah. Libertarians have always had an anti-social justice slant. Oh, they might say they don’t want people to discriminate. But the government had no right to make them hire black people. I grew up around libertarians during the 80s, including my oldest brother and studied polysci under a libertarian in the 90s. Their

Yeah, his stuff has recently felt spread a bit thin.

Bullshit. True history does matter.

I think there’s a point that is getting missed. White or black skinned doesn’t matter. That she was Greek though, is an important part of the story of that part of Egyptian history. That for hundreds of years, Greek was the official language of Egypt. It’s said that Cleopatra was the only one of the Ptolemic rulers to

Thank you. I was genuinely confused about the reasons for the strike by this article, if it can be called that.

Season 2 had some good stuff, and the performances were largely top notch, but the story was a big nothing to me and the characters were all pretty unappealing. Season 3 had a great performances again, and the story had more meat on it, but the characters were kind of boring. In fact, I’d find it hard to say anything

They still have to pay more for the actual filming, so if they thought it was going to lose more money than it brought in they’d cut bait. Unless it’s some higher up’s ego project where he doesn’t mind if he loses money on it, he just wants it made.

Yeah, the pay gap is a real issue and a serious one. This is not an example of that. This is an example of a mega star getting paid much more than someone  who wasn't one.

I would guess the chemical message isn’t received by the cordyceps until they are in her system through the bite. So they don’t stop her from being bitten, they stop them from carrying out the infection. Something like that. It’s make believe biology though. I wouldn’t think too deeply about it. 

How about if I think Shape of Water is a great movie but I still think it’s funny she fucks a fish?

As with all Chris Rock’s specials, there is some problematic stuff in there. Things that would have raised an eyebrow in 2003, let alone 2023. But this article is such a blatant misrepresentation of the special it’s ridiculous. By all means you have a right to say that Rock’s level of offensiveness is something you’d

Mentioning them isn’t shitting on them.