
It’s not though. They can’t just end the system singlehandedly. There’s nothing wrong with criticizing a system while using that system to your advantage. When you’re that level of famous, opting out isn’t an option. So what you’re really suggesting is that people make no attempt to control their own narrative or

Reboot was fine. There was enough talent there that even when the jokes weren’t great, they were good at selling it. I also think it would have likely been one of those shows that get stronger in the second season. So I’d have have liked to see it come back. But at the same time it wasn’t strong enough to make me cry

What does a show like Fargo compete as? While “limited” doesn’t necessarily match, an argument could be made for it. Sure, there are a couple of characters that recur, but each season is its own standalone thing that doesn’t require having seen any prior series. Which is much like Fargo. But I don't really care which

I don’t know. I don’t have millions. But I know when I have thousands I become more picky in what I’ll do to make other thousands.

I was relieved there weren’t any surprise appearances. Was really worried for a moment there that Kanye was about to pop out and join her.

I really don’t get the lack of shame. What is the motivation? I’ve made millions upon millions of dollars in my career, but what I really need to do now is make a terrible commercial.

If they do that, some ignorant sap might make the mistake of drinking one.

I ended up not finishing the series, so maybe they got better, but the baseball scenes being terrible really killed it for me.

Since I'm too poor to live in a big place I'm also too poor to buy enough physical media to fill up my small place. It's a problem that solves itself.

Ah, so it isn’t that my tastes have changed. I was streaming Scrubs the other day and remember thinking, “didn’t this show have some good music on it before?”

I think it's a hedging their bets kind of move. If the commercial gets lost among all the other commercials it's quickly forgotten. But by timing its release this way, they're able to get at least some buzz, even if it means that if it hits, the reaction to it won't be as strong on the day of the game itself.

That makes me less sympathetic.

I’ve never been to Boston but when I saw that I did smirk at it. I’ve seen enough pictures of the area to know it wasn’t right. But movies do this all the time. My personal favorite is in Black Sheep where the setting is Buckley, a town which I spent the first twenty some years of my life living in or next to and it

Yeah, it was a well done episode but it wasn’t particularly original. The Walking Dead did this kind of episode about twice a season.

“This doesn’t really feel like a Disney+ thing”

This seems like a classic why not both situation.

When you’re so into pedantry you do it even with completely made up science.

I can't help but suspect Kevin Nealon is to blame.

Are you lost? 

Or have an explanation. If there's one show where having characters suddenly sound different could be made to make sense within world, it's Rick and Morty.